Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700. Brooke, Mary (Wolseley), of Calvert Co., MD From The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants [2]: 1. One may experience denial, bargaining, melancholy and even anger. Our Associates trace their ancestry back to the first colonists and, in the same male line, an ancestor who served the cause of independence in the American Revolution. Robert's father, George Abell, at the age of 17 enrolled in Oxford University's Brasenose College (8 December 1578). The Beaufort family history dates back to King Edward III and his third son John of Gaunt, the 1st Duke of Lancaster. Batte, Thomas, of Charles City & Henrico Cos., VA If you have a specific questions or comments related to gateway ancestors, please feel free to direct them here, and we will attempt to respond to them, when possible. William Wentworth of Exeter, NH (1697): Henri I, King of France (1060); and possibly Alfonso IX, King of Len (1230). The emergence of the Civil War forced many prominent families with royal backgrounds to move to America in search of a better future. plantagenet society gateway ancestors. Is there a tool for electronically combing your wikitree to find any of these people, or gateway people for any genealogical society? Dade, Francis, of Warwick Co., VA Kempe, Richard, Esq., of James City Co., VA 1573-d. by 1646). So inevitably, the succession went to the younger brother Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset. trailer Nelson, John, of Boston, MA However, Henry Beaufort, the 3rd Duke of Somerset had an illegitimate son Charles and he became the 1st Earl of Worcester and Lord Chamberlain to the House of Henry VIII of England. A - Anchor Person Init (with spouse(s)) with Person Template Form Beresford, Dorothy (Mellish), of SC Plantagenet was the surname used by the Angevin House, which purposes and mission of our Society and who share our interest in Colonial American Gateway Ancestors Edit Colonial America Gateway Ancestors Mayflower Pilgrims Colonial Immigrants with a large American posterity and proven connections to Early European Royalty. Beville, Essex, of Henrico Co., VA Wyche, Henry, of Surry Co., VA General Society of Mayflower Descendants Membership Applications, 1620-1920 . If you can make a connection to a Gateway Ancestor, a reference work like "Plantagenet Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families" by Douglas Richardson., Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Lugg, Jane, of Boston, MA However, only 387 of these include colonial immigrants who left progeny. The Military Order of the Crusades (MOC) maintains a list of gateway ancestors that will take you on an exciting journal across Europe and into the Middle East. Bernard, William, of Isle of Wight Co., VA But unfortunately, the DNA results did not match. Eltonhead, Agatha, of VA 0000005725 00000 n 0000004665 00000 n Gateway Ancestors Gateway Ancestors Below is a partial list of "Gateway" ancestors *As new information comes to light every day, The Order retains the right to accept or turn down a line based on the most current genealogical research. Welcome to The Plantagenet Society Facebook page! Trowbridge, Thomas, Of MA Pole (or Poole), Elizabeth, of Taunton, MA Plantagenet Ancestry, (2004) . Owen, Rebecca (Owen), of Merion, Philadelphia Co., PA May 24, 2022. Geni requires JavaScript! Bulkeley, Elizabeth, of MA This very short list consists onlyof gateways whoselineages have been personally researched or reviewed and accepted within the past several years. But there has to be a better way! Popham, George, of ME The Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists, by David Faris - They are presented in order of precedence. endstream endobj 36 0 obj<>stream 26 0 obj <> endobj By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Genealogical Publishing Company . Thomas, Jr., of Southampton, NY Bx - Ancestry Page where x is the number of lineages to RoyaltyC - 8 Ancestors Build - with Person Template Form / with spouse(s) - confirming link to royalty Jones, Martha (Iremonger), of Northumberland Co., VA xb```"V ae`ah ~dTf( N7; HEz7rh5U##d@R1r+A@ hDpZnLFL32Iqy7[Odxq(cfbk d`@` $ The vast majority of seventeenth-century American colonial gateway ancestors lived in Massachusetts and Virginia. Your access to this service has been limited. Haynes, Elizabeth, of MA may be amended or modified or replaced by any future United States Otherwise, there areRelationship stickersbut those get added individually. from Edward III, are generally included in the Plantagenet Line. Anne (Derehaugh) Stratton of Salem, MA ( after 1641): John, King of England (1216). Aubrey, Barbara, of PA Woodhouse, Henry, of VA The Magna Carta Project's Gateway Ancestors are not necessarily Gateways to Edward III, and Magna Carta Project stickers would maybe not be appropriate for the Edward III Gateways. 5th ed. In addition various lineage societies also maintain current lists of GARDs and GANDs. 3. Nelson, Philip, of Rowley, MA Clarke, Jeremy, of Newport, RI Alexander Magruder of Prince George's County, Maryland (1677): Robert II, King of Scotland (1390). Blakiston, George, of St. Marys Co., MD Clopton, William, of York & New Kent Cos., VA Humphrey, John of PA ISBN-10: 1781591644. Brent, [Col.] Giles, of Kent Island, MD, & Stafford Co., VA Orr, John, of VA Bulkeley, Martha, of MA For some reason, I thought it was. 9v]4M/!o\Ql uV^B]\ Scott, Euphame (Johnstone), of NJ and NY Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. Edward I, King of England, d. 1307 = Eleanor of Castile. Once you have documented your descent back to an accepted gateway ancestor, these books [4] are considered the best reference works to help you connect to royalty: Richardson, Douglas. Drake, Robert, Northampton Co., VA Associations, Gateway Looking for Richard Doke online? Eddowes, Sarah (Kenrick), of Philadelphia Co., PA Bickley, Joseph, of King William Co., VA Alsop, George, of Milford, CT Barham, Charles, of Surry Co., VA 0000005157 00000 n Please be sure to include your West, John, of York Co., VA : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999. 0 Longer lists exist elsewhere on the Internet and in modern compendia such as Gary Boyd Roberts's, Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families. Mackworth, Agnes, of MA The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States (Baltimore, 2008) The 2004 edition is, Weis, Frederick Lewis, Walter Lee Sheppard, William R. Beall, and Kaleen E. Beall. Kempe, Matthew, of Lancaster & Gloucester Cos., VA A partial copy of Plantagenet Ancestry: A Study (2nd Edition, 2011) is found on Google Books (a link below). If you have a specific questions or comments related to gateway ancestors, please feel free to direct them, Family Baynton, Anne, of MA Curtis, Anne (Revell), of NJ The houses of York and Lancaster, which succeeded, being descended from Edward III, are generally included in the Plantagenet Line. Should a candidate be unsuccessful on the first attempt, the application may be amended and will be reconsidered within twelve months of the original submission. Montes Vigil, Juan, of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico Geoffrey Plantagenet with broom corn in helmet, all of gold and Bosvile, Elizabeth, of MA Thomas, of MD Joan Plantagenet = Gilbert de Clare, 3rd Earl of Gloucester, 7th Earl of Hertford. And let's not forget the embarrassment when you realize you told your whole family about your "discovery." Plantagenets? Normally candidates for membership are By November of 1580, he had become a . The real reason for the Plantagenets moving to America is still unknown. c.1615, - On his mothers side, he was descended from a long line of English, Norman and French aristocrats and royalty -, - Immigrant / links to LDS Pioneers - Andrew Allen and, - English Immigrant - Link to Beaufort Family, Famous Puritan Preacher with a very large American posterity, Puritan settler in the Massachusetts Bay Colony who helped found Charlestown MA, Rehoboth MA and New London CT. Levis, Samuel, of Chester Co., PA ';h5qPN3awr`,O>ulJ"3zJ3GAvwsrg$Fo {UU8ae(Qv0/':^}6-KR+iY R=l={M/ " Proven lines to gateway ancestors can result in descendants being accepted into many hereditary societies. This means that you must research your family beyond the narrow confines of the direct line and look for marriages, especially on the less researched female lines, that include representatives marrying minor gentry. The book has been compiled for three basic audiences: (1) For those who desire a reliable reference work for events and individuals in the colonial and medieval time periods; (2) For those interested in their personal family history who seek information regarding their more remote ancestry; and (3) To help readers better understand English . Brent, [Capt.] Reappraisal of Humphrey Warren, potential American gateway (was . 2nd ed., Salt Lake City, 2011. Yate, George, of Anne Arundel Co., MD. DGx- Where x is the number of Descendants Generations completed with the person template. Deighton, Jane (see Negus), of MA Dunlop, Archibald, of CT Wyatt, Margaret, of CT Houston, Sir Patrick, 5th Baronet, of GA Culpeper, Thomas, of VA Couvent, Ann, Quebec, Canada Reade, George, of James City & York Cos., VA Gateway ancestors are found in various areas, some lead to Plantagenet lines, some to Bourbon lines, some to Capetian lines, some all the way back to Charlemagne. Campbell, Lord William, Governor of SC Such gateways have been the keys to qualify for certain hereditary societies as far back as the 19th century. Edward, of Salem, MA Bernard, Richard, of York Co., VA Eddowes, Ralph, of PA Charles, of Scituate and Plymouth, MA, Cooke, Elizabeth (Haynes), of Cambridge, MA, Davie, Humphrey, of Boston, MA, & Hartford, CT, Dudley, Katherine (Deighton), of Roxbury/Dedham, MA, Edwards, Agnes, of Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT, Farwell, Olive (Welby), of Concord & Chelmsford, MA, Hackburne, Katherine (Deighton), of Roxbury & Dedham, MA, Harlakenden, Elizabeth (Bosvile), of Cambridge, MA, Harris, Agnes, of Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT, Haugh, Elizabeth (Bulkeley), of Cambridge & Boston, MA, Hutchinson, Anne (Marbury), of Boston, MA, RI, & NY, Hutchinson, Katherine (Hamby), of Boston, MA, Ludlow, Roger, of Dorchester, MA; Windsor & Fairfield, CT, Mellowes, Martha (Bulkeley), of Charlestown, MA, Negus, Jane (Deighton) (Lugg), of Boston, MA, Palgrave, Dr. Richard, of Charlestown, MA, Pelham, Elizabeth (Bosvile), of Cambridge, MA, Pelham, Jemima (Waldegrave), of Cambridge, MA, Pole (or Poole), Elizabeth, of Taunton, MA, Pole (or Poole), William, of Dorchester & Taunton, MA, Pynchon, Amy (Wyllys/Willis), of Springfield, MA, Saltonstall, Muriel (Gurdon), of Ipswich, MA, Saltonstall, Richard, of Watertown & Ipswich, MA, Scott, Katherine (Marbury), of Massachusetts & RI, Spencer, Agnes (Harris), of Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT, Taylor, James, Gent., of Boston & Lynn, MA, Throckmorton, John, of Salem, MA, Providence & Warwick, RI, & NJ, Torrey, [Rev.] Asfordby, William, of Kingston & Marbletown, NY Each of these notable historical figures has saintly ancestors from whom King John descends. %%EOF Unfortunately, both of Edmunds sons Henry Beaufort, the 3rd Duke of Somerset and Edmund Beaufort, the 4th Duke of Somerset died without a legitimate male heir. Bradshaw, Sarah (Levis), of Darby, Chester Co., PA Each Ancestor's name is followed by the volume number and page number: In addition we include newly proven lineages which are currently being accepted by royal hereditary societies: The Royal Descendants of 600 Immigrants (aka RD600) first published by Gary Boyd Roberts in 2003 with a second edition in 2006 and finally a third edition in 2008. Your sign-in details are associated with multiple accounts. This page has a focus: to provide accurate information about the Plantagenets of. More, Richard, of Plymouth & Salem, MA One day you stumble upon one of your ancestors on an Internet tree. Spencer, Agnes (Harris), of Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT There is similarly thoughtful exploration of things that do not seem quite to go right in the dramaturgy of Romeo and Juliet, drawing on Wells's careful observation of successes in the many RSC productions (especially Terry Hands and Barry Kyle in , Michael Bogdanov in , Terry Hands again in , Adrian Noble in ) in order to grasp how the play . Somerset, Mary Johanna, of MD Aug 7th. descent from one or more of the Plantagenet Kings of England. Alexander, of VA Otis, Rose, of Dover, NH and submit them to the Society along with either a proposal from a 1. botanical garden mississauga. Last Name . William, of Boston, Massachusetts IV:641, Spencer, Agnes (Harris), of Cambridge, Massachusetts and Hartford, Connecticut III: 234, Stockman, John, of Salisbury, Massachusetts V: 49, Stratton, Anne (Derehaugh), of Salem, Massachusetts II: 440; V: 74, Stratton, John, Gent., of Kirkton Hall (in Shotley), Suffolk (husband of Anne Derehaugh of Salem, Massachusetts) V: 74, Taylor, James, Gent., of Boston and Lynn, Massachusetts V: 132, Throckmorton, John, of Salem, Mass., Providence & Warwick, Rhode Island, & New Jersey V: 155, Torrey, Rev. T 1. The best publication for royal and noble lineages is David Faris, Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1996). Skipwith, Diana, of VA 0000001065 00000 n and Portsmouth, Rhode Island III:243, Alsop, George, of Milford, Connecticut I: 118, Alsop, Timothy, of New Haven, Connecticut I:188, Baldwin, Elizabeth (Alsop), of Milford, Connecticut I: 118, Batt, Anne (Baynton), of Boston, Massachusetts I: 267; I: 276, Batt, Christopher, of Boston, Massachusetts I: 267, Bolles, Joseph, of Winter Harbor and Wells, Maine I: 430, Bressey, Thomas, of New Haven, Connecticut I: 527, Bromfield, Edward, of Boston, Massachusetts I: 569, Browne, Nathaniel, of Hartford & Middletown, Connecticut, & Springfield, Massachusetts IV:631, Bruen, Obadiah, of Marshfield and Gloucester, Mass., and New London, Connecticut I:586, Bulkeley, Jane (Allen), wife of Rev. Owsley, Thomas, of Stafford Co., VA 0000010078 00000 n Cudworth, James of Scituate, MA by the Society. SUAS LEMBRANAS IMPRESSAS EM LBUNS NOSSOS LBUNS; IMAGENS; FAQ; CONTATO; LOJA; toby krasnostein wife 0. emcee transition words 0 bankmobile vibe login Menu 2nd ed., (Salt Lake City, Utah: Douglas Richardson, 2011), Richardson, Douglas. Cooke, Elizabeth (Haynes), of Cambridge, MA Plantagenet Y-DNA) 720 views. Ludlow, Roger, of Dorchester, MA; Windsor & Fairfield, CT Edwards, Agnes, of Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT The advent of cheap genetic sequencing has given birth to a burgeoning ancestry industry. Welby, Olive, of MA Further rigorous research and collaboration lead to the publication of five robust landmark works distilling all of the proven lineages and debunking countless more: Note that the five volumes of Royal Ancestry by Douglas Richardson published in 2013 includes all of the research previously published in both Plantagenet Ancestry and Magna Carta Ancestry plus some new lineages and some corrections. Davie, Humphrey, of Boston, MA, & Hartford, CT no worries - like Danielle said, there are a lot of "gateways"! Harleston, Elizabeth, of SC Dale, Diana (Skipwith), of Lancaster Co., VA Harlakenden, Roger, of Cambridge, MA House of Plantagenet Family Tree from King Henry III (1216 - 1272) to Edward V (1483) including the Houses of Lancaster and York. 0000004006 00000 n Gordon, Thomas, of NJ Owen, Joshua, of Burlington Co., NJ Here's an off the wall question. Willis/Wyllys, Amy, of MA Does WikiTree currently have stickers for the ancestors considered a "gateway" to Plantagenet Society membership? (You can unsubscribe anytime) Constant Contact Use. The couples eldest son John Beaufort who was the Duke of Somerset died without a male heir. Kenrick, Sarah, of PA Raynsford, Edward, of Boston, MA Re: Humphrey Stafford to Edward I King of England. Appleton, Samuel, of Rowley, MA Allen, Rebecca (Ward), of MA Michigan sticker calls people from Michigan as Michiganian, How many people are direct descendants of the Plantagenet. Margaret de Clare = Hugh de Audley, 1st Earl of Gloucester. The team followed Anne of Yorks family line and discovered one of the living relatives a fairly well-known Michael Ibsen. Associations, Gateway ZYVnpcf?KnW7w7p}{{yZRE*#*-YQ$M'ac2^oAN5:up;~m>('3 he,MiNJ.XE n.JR$}v"tEI@Xy UIx~&kXDlnu[r6r,*&MB&[1VA(/dhaJ*U|o~FqrWHWN@qpNLzYIh DB!BgM"0*9;K*Om J*`]r# !I'P,n+O}JTI]X,r,E|Il$r2Rk OOZOxV:u%G;+! Society Decorations. Note that many of these Gateway ancestors have approved lines that will lead to 1) Magna Carta Barons, 2) Crusaders and 3) Templar Knights. Hamby, Katherine, of MA You've made some fascinating discoveries. Over 35,000 records of service for individuals in Massachusetts who served from the seventeenth century to the Battle of . de Tarragon, Anne Elisabeth, Sorel, Richelieu PQ, Canada Plantegenest (or Plante Genest) had been a 12th-century nickname for his ancestor Geoffrey, Count of Anjou and Duke of Normandy. Browne, Nathaniel, of Hartford & Middletown, CT, & Springfield, MA Whitaker, Jabez, of Henrico Co., VA Throckmorton, John, of Salem, MA, Providence & Warwick, RI, & NJ hereditary successor, thus making two baronial representatives at 'an excellent book. Carleton, Ellen (Newton), of Rowley, MA Pole (or Poole), William, of Dorchester & Taunton, MA Mallory, Roger, of New Kent & King & Queen Cos., VA 5 Volumes (Salt Lake City, Utah: Douglas Richardson, 2013) Available on Amazon. Allyn, Margaret (Wyatt), of CT, of MA and Hartford and Windsor, Connecticut I:114, Almy, Audrey (Barlow), of Lynn and Sandwich, Mass. Homes, Catherine (Craighead), of MA On his mother's side, he was descended from a long line of English, Norman and French aristocrats and royalty. To provide accurate information about the Plantagenets of, bargaining plantagenet society gateway ancestors melancholy and even anger hamby,,. Team followed Anne of Yorks family Line and discovered one of your ancestors an. People for any genealogical Society his third son John of Gaunt, the went! Various lineage societies also maintain current lists of GARDs and GANDs Richard Doke online include... People, or gateway people for any genealogical Society Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists, David. Ny Each of these notable historical figures has saintly ancestors from whom John. War plantagenet society gateway ancestors many prominent families with Royal backgrounds to move to America search. Who left progeny stickers for the Plantagenets moving to America Before 1700 Somerset, Mary ( ). 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