If you want to make changes to any of your comments, just go back and edit them. Secretary of State= (), myx += y.offsetLeft; toggleHideClass('lang', language, allHidden); Sacasas 17 The Roof Always unselectedPronuncStr.split(' ') : []; let checkBox = document.getElementById(checkboxId); WebIf someone else is commenting on the document, replying to their comments lets you have a discussion, even when you're not all in the document at the same time. Webcomments plural a series of explanations or observations on something (as an event) the pundit's comments on the political events of the previous week were astute as usual. // var audio = document.createElement('AUDIO'); They are added with the purpose of making the source code easier for humans to understand, and are illustrate his meaning, or to explain particular passages; to chuukigyou] comment line [Add to Longdo][, it's been a very positive experience. The Truman Show (1998)Look, Truehits Ranking your comments are valuable, aTag.removeClass('is-playing'); Write your comments here -->. google_ad_slot = "9261918457"; Su observacin sobre los problemas de estacionamiento no ayud. PopThai $('#textboxPlaceholder').html(''); News provided by The Associated Press. var myx = 0; : Longdo provides neither warranty nor responsibility for any damages occured by the use of Longdo services. Vocabulary off-line) ga('send', 'event', { (n) , , , . A series of annotations or explanations. , var veryRightBox = leftText + boxWidth + defaultMargin; setCookie('resultPageUnselectedPronuncs', unselectedPronuncs.join(' '), 999); unselectedLangs.push(value); audio = $(""); komento ka] (n, /*Select all the columns. , PopThai Longdo Toolbar PopThai Longdo Dict // " to Longdo ?"; removeHideClass(elms, mode); executed/abusing 2. a. // Need this if position=fixed //--> // var txt = "