
Renzoku means to continue. biomechanics of Budo, is much deeper in Japan. Now you got me there we don't do weapons. He was born in Shuri and started practicing Shuri-te at the age of 12. Though, it appears that thin-skinned people do so, taking insult that they could be viewed as having a less than equal fighting system than another. This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit our website. Awesome! Interesting articles to read through - thanks again Jesse :), iam an indian 61 years old practising karate and a 4th dan in grandmasters hayashi ha shitoryu karate in india your article on japanese and okinawa styles is very enlighting for me. RIGHT! "The techniques are a good solid base to work from. The high stances of Okinawan Karate feel more natural, and is much easier for westerners to hold - as opposed to the deep karate stances that often feel forced. % of people told us that this article helped them. He is one of the pioneers of Okinawan karate. I always have trouble telling someone, usually someone who knows little or nothing of Karate, that there is a difference and what that difference is. The level of martial knowledge , i.e. The American-style karate called itself "Okinawan", and claimed to be based on Okinawan styles, but the instructors there would spend about 80% of their focus on teaching HOW, and only going into the WHY sparingly. We're all champions! I will tell you there are some huge differences. The martial art had an evolution separate from Saifa, 4. The Okinawan karate stances are meant to be practical for self-defense by being natural and quick. Techniques feature one knuckle punches, kicks using the big toe, spear hand that symbolically refer to Tigers Teeth and Crane's beak (moves emulating animal fighting techniques). LONG WINDED OPINIONS / TRUE OR FALSE OR RESPECT? A total of twenty-four Okinawa karate kata are discussed in this chapter, namely: 11 kata of Naha-te-lineage: 1. Obviously when you use a technique against someone, there is no style, you just make it work. This iswhy Okinawan Karate is hard toteach a big group of people at once you simplycannot give adequate individual attention toa group of 50 students or more! Unfortunately, this is the way of Martial Arts these days! There are pictograms found that show techniques used by these ancient cultures. If you are going against someone stronger and more experienced barehanded, trickery is the only thing you can use. To those who think and say that Shotokan is not practical, with all do respect, I say, they're full of it. If you can, pick up a copy of the Bubishi (aka the karate "bible") and you'll be amazed by the rich history of Okinawan Karate. But I think also things vary between federations and Dojo's. Hojo Undo (Supplementary Exercises) Sandangi. It is obvious to see that Japanese karate had and influence on my predominately Okinawan style that is taught in the states. Very clarifying article, thank you. Congrats!!!! Okinawa is situated in the middle of the trade route between Japan to the north and . What struck me most (and also feature as key points in your article) are the competitive nature of Japanese karate styles (I used to enjoy competing in point based tournaments in my younger years), when compared to the non-sport nature of Okinawan styles. First of all, the movements are so damn strenuous and need lots of corrections in order to do with the correct form and proper execution. (Read more: Chinkuchi Another Exotic Okinawan Karate Word). As a student of natural history as well as Karate I do have to argue with one point though "A growing bamboodoes not compete with the bamboonext to it". There are real downsides to this if you are (for example) practicing any kind of drilling or sparring that involves no real tactile contact, where you mostly hit/kick and move, and are mostly dealing with long-range, less committed punches and kicks from partners. Nope, the Indian influence was just one of several sources that made up Karate. Hi, my name is Martin Jutras. Osu. DEBATE IS HEALTHY/ KUMITE HAS "1" WINNER: thanks. But this doesn't mean that one is better than the other one just different. Thank I trained under a Sensei Jerry Thompson, Goshin Do Karate Do Kyaki, basic style Goju Ryu, at that time he was already a 8th degreee black belt. To do this, you need an explosive release of full-body power. The Naha-di system is comprised of nine kata and a philosophy. What raises Shotokan to 'actual' karate is when it is practiced as DO. How the stance (form) then looks is up to you, as long as you reach your goal . Ooura is a Motobu Ryu style Karate sensei. I've been a few times in Japan but never practicing karate, also never in Okinawa. But, the 4 core styles of Okinawa Karate are: Goju-Ryu is one of the old styles of Okinawan Karate. No. That's the point. Enter your email to receive news and updates straight in your mailbox. get back to training hard. The fact that differing karate styles have conventions that some may take issue with, either out of lack of understanding, or alternatively out of better understanding as the case may be, is not patently degrading to the one having a difference of opinion. It's a nice saying but unfortunately not true :-P. Next time you come to Okinawa, you should come train with us at Nix Dojo. Move your back leg forward so that the back knee is tucked in to the back of the front knee. He taught Zenryo Shimabukuro, who studied underChotoku Kyanfor over 10 years. Each art that has been around for a while is a good martial art but it is only as good as the Sensei instructing their students and every style of martial art has good instructors and bad instructors. Stand up in basic stance which involves having your feet spread out and your hands in fists next to each side of your waist. Good reading, extremely intersting. The whole answer is I respect it & appreciated it's teachings, and try to benefit from study of it, it's values such as laid out in this article. Shotokan karate != all Japanese Karate. 2 Set up a basic stance. Thanks for sharing this informative post!! By the way what s your karate style? All rights reserved. We specialize in teaching *adults* and *families *traditional All that aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the article. I'd salute by the O-word, but it's not in my style. might get it wrong. You probably understand your style of Karate to a fairly high degree and what you say about your Okinawan art I do not doubt. *Yokoso*! Shischin, 7. You are shown the how. As far as I'm concerned all styles of Karate are "valid". Okinawan martial arts refers to martial arts, such as karate, tegumi and Okinawan kobud, which originated among the indigenous people of Okinawa. Good luck in your life sear sensei oss warm greeting fars karate association . I'm a Shodokan lineage Goju-ryu practitioner, our school also does Ryuei-ryu kobudo, and my wife used to practice Shotokan. Traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate #3 Stances & Footwork DVD Morio Higaonna | eBay Master Higaonna starts with the basic stances of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate and explains that stances are different to each individual body type. Explore Okinawan Karate! The main difference is that Okinawans incorporate a lot of their original Martial Arts (Ti) as well. Look forward to training at his new Dojo. This all started over a great article published and got well out of hand. *Kara Karate Stances - A Perfect Karate Foundation, Arizona Hombu Dojo - School of Traditional Karate & Kobudo, Top-Rated Okinawan Karate, Kobudo & Self-Defense in Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Arizona, International Training Center in Mesa, Arizona Focuses on Traditional Martial Arts, Arizona Karate - Nobody in Arizona Does it Better, Arizona Karate Instructor Nominated for Man of Year, About Arizona Martial Arts, Schools, Instructors, Styles and Classes, Picking a Martial Arts School in the Phoenix Valley, NUNTEI BO: Okinawa Fishing License for Traditional Karate and Kobudo, Breaking Rocks - Arizona Martial Arts Instructor, Geologist & Author Loves to Teach, ADULT Karate Classes: Mesa & Gilbert, East Valley Phoenix, Arizona's Adult & Family Karate and Self-Defense Classes, Traditional Martial Arts - A Path of Peace, Mesa, Arizona Self-Defense Class taught by Hall-of-Fame Grandmaster (Professor of Martial Arts). A Brief Introduction to Karate. The Okinawans combined Chinese martial arts with the existing local variants to form T-te ( Tuudii), also sometimes called Okinawa-Te ( Uchinaa-dii). Seems mainland Japan is trying to make everyone adopt the idea that they're a unique culture by changing parts of their history. He is one of the pioneers who made karate a part of the modern Okinawan school curriculum. Whoever decided to remove weapons from Shotokan should be given a stern rebuke. Perhaps you should have included Okinawan Flag before Japanese Occupation' even autonomous Symbol. Ancestor schools. You get to experience all of this with "mass training". The point of the stance is to reach forward and stab the opponent. You may want to use weapons. . Uchinna-guchi. If you're one of the 10%, ignore it. In some styles, yes, and in some styles, no. Anko Itosu is the father of modern karate. It takes a lot of understanding to get it right, YES or NO??. Ive trained very little in Japan, but did notice that all the Tokyo instructors (SKIF) used "hai" a lot, besides osu. The names of Okinawan karate kata are summarized in the chapter "Kata meish no gengo k" (Report on my investigation into kata designations)(9). I am an Okinawan Practitioner for over 22 years. It was why Okinawan karate was superior to Japanese karate. of breaking rocks over the years, *Konnichiwa*! Gary Alexander is an isshinryu practioner that won the first kyokushin tournament in america at madison square garden new york. Interesting! However we do not embellish our kata by adding any extra movements what is different is usually the execution. I've been praticing Shotokan Karate for a long time now and I really appreciate all you're articles. Lower and longer stances are taught @JKA not merely to strengthen legs and stamina but to add to the power of a technique. You cannot build a house on a weak foundation. Anyone actually see the tuite in photo #8? You are talking martial arts, not karate. The books mentioned below will get you hooked. Great job Jesse in explaining and defining the concept of karate roots and applications. Chotoku Kyanhad a large influence on the styles of Karate that would becomeShorin-ryu(). This spartan training environment actually adds to the focus of individualization over mass instruction. Ironically, and unfortunately as my local KoDo-ryu dojo was forced to close, I have recently starting training in Kyokushin karate, which is about as far removed from Ko-Do Ryu as I can get. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. It's probably the most well known. [bow] :-. No. Shodokan was founded by Higa Seiko, one of the most famous masters of Naha-Te in Okinawa. Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate With Morio Higaonna: Stances & Footwork No views Sep 27, 2022 BLACK BELT MAGAZINE (OFFICIAL) 288K subscribers Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate. Copyright2017 Ageshio Japan Co.,Ltd. What I said is that I would like to see MORE of those traditional karate practitioners with your expertise involved in the MMA scene today. No. An interchange of ideas provokes a learning environment. Congrats! Knee of rear leg locked and extended approximately two shoulder-widths behind lead foot. are perhaps seen as a bit nerdy subject, but I like it very much, and find your articles to both interesting, and with a nicely paced flow of the text. Personally, I try to mix the best of both. *Students at the University of Wyoming learn self-defense to assist in The energy of your body, your movement, also the power of your spirit, your concentration. Whoop's, struck a nerve hey? Higher stances. Now I understand why I have a hard time understanding and being understood by Japanese Karate Practitioners. When we understand our style, we can train it better & use it best. You can't just pretend to be running and you can't pretend to swim. in India people is not much aware of your ebsite and your tremendous knowledge in martial arts. This is where your opinion loses any respect, when you espouse that opinion as a fact and not just your opinion. This is the exception not the rule. I'd like to end with a strong OSU!! I have done some Shotokan myself, but only because I was forced to do so (another story, another day). In Japanese Karate, the verbal command Osu! (pronounced Oss!)is used sometimes. Shotokan is often practiced & applied as a sport. First one is about front mount attacker and how to escape from being under. Basic Karate Moves start with; 1. Robust discussion is best. I have also trained this way myself. Always remember to tilt your pelvis, it will help you have a more solid and grounded position. ThereforeUechi-ryuis also heavily influenced by the kung fu from Fujian province. 1. I enjoyed your article on Okinawan & Japanese karate. Anko Itosu 4. 2. I've been a few times in Japan but never practicing karate and never in Okinawa. I'm not sure Karate is really Okinawan, rather than Japanese People get hung up on style, and on details. The most important "aspect" of any martial art is the "person" that is training. I even lived there in 2009, studying Japanese at Okinawa University. 3. Even though your article may be true to many styles, schools, dojos and teachers, the article is not true as a whole. . One thing I can say is Jesse made a general statement, that applies to, I'd say, 90% of Japanese Karate. I have never had any Sensei tell me I must freeze my techniques at a fixed point. Then I could afford one of these gi's one piece at a time GREAT article Jesse! Goju-ryu karate is based on the complimentary principles of hard and soft. This book is his autobiography that digs deep into his experiences, learning and covers his complete life story. Although not very useful (my opinion) in itself, many stances and movements are in a way similar to those in okinawan karate. But if you're just going through a routine in kata, then exactly how does knowing that help you? How this convention fits into traditional karate training is a key question highlighted by the authors discussion. Bunkai is the analysis and application of kata. Shotokan is karate-do in tradition. Once you accept that, you can move beyond mere Styles. I'm really interested in how you're balancing the two training styles. Okinawan sys Continue Reading 8 1 Wayne Irvine William Hester) Sensei Kiyokazu Ooura (Right) demonstrates a technique to create distance in between your opponent during the second Kenpo and Kobudo International Seminar at a dojo in Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, October 29, 2016. I do taekwondo and not karate but i like watching you a lot and i like reading about karate, and this was just amazing to read. What did people wear for training pre 1920's? i think that Yoshitaka (Giko) had changed a lot his father's karateit revolutioned to a more athletic fighting art,..long zenkutsu dachis e.g. Shrin-ry (Japanese: ) is an old Okinawan karate style, established as a combination of Shuri-te and Tomari-te styles, along with influence from various Chinese martial arts. It's probably just used in a completely different way. I started out practicing shotokan. In this photo,* You said that in Okinawan Karate, they explain the meaning behind the techniques where in Japan it's more about the how rather than the why. All their, "I'll can drop someone with a side kick to the knee" or the old, "I'll knock someone out before they ever get a chance to grab me" sounded great until they had to actually try to do it and found out in a very hard and painful lesson that it didn't really work. (How to twist yourhips, how to adjustyourfeet, how to shift your weight etc.). A great lesson in your extensive comment is that it speaks directly to those who under-rate the Japanese karates without looking to the benefit of your high-level of knowledge & experience. Todd Litzy. When you say I think my style is the best style because that is an opinion and there is nothing wrong with having an opinion. Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957). It's considered a Japanese style. Goju-ryu. In contrast, the modern karate spaces are sportier and fancy in looks. Thank you for this brilliant article, helps me a lot on a decision I have to make. That's all. Karate is practiced in every subcontinent. Just curious: Fighting stances like han zenkutsu dachi . I like the idea of personal attention from your instructor (sensia ?). The feet are shoulder width apart, facing forward. As I don't live in Okinawa and there fore can't do karate there. If you At the *Seiyo no Shorin-Ryu Karat *Training in traditional martial arts can provide individuals with For me, the typical "stopping/arresting"-precission in kihon- or kata-technics was only the "outside visibility" of "kime" - but not the goal itself. I really like your article Numerous changes happened to the original Okinawan Karate when it came to mainland Japan. After 52 years of karate & about 12-15 trips to Japan I finally went to Okinawa this August with about 50 of my students. Stances and focus of the Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate system should allow a karate practitioner to gain enough focus over time to generate one punch knock out power. In Wado we want to keep our options more open that is why we teach many applications for each technique in a kata. Thanks for sharing. Sanseiru, 8. Disciples learn techniques that include hard, closed fist punches and soft, open hand strikes. Japanese styles tends to perform kiba-dachi low and wide, whereas Okinawan styles use a higher and narrower version of it. Nunchaku is two small round sticks connected with a chain. In other words: "all in!". Shit-ry () is a form of karate that was founded in 1934 by Kenwa Mabuni ( , Mabuni Kenwa). Below you will find a short introduction to each style. This is true.The positions are the basis of a best techniques in Perfect Karate. It was just a matter of adjusting and incorporating a couple of principles. My branch of Shorin-Ryu does not have any kokutsu-dachi, for example, but other branches do. You would quickly lose students if your classes were too large. In some Chinese arts, this was done for that reason, but in many cases it was done for grappling applications. The purpose of Japanese Karate is not aligned with the purpose of Okinawan Karate anymore. First two were college clubs, last one was a thing I did in high school. Approved. The International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation (IOGKF) is the largest traditional Okinawan Karate organization in the world. Perhaps your obscure style might have a mix of all sorts of different stuff to make it a little more well-rounded. To me, club or style is good if the bunkai practiced meets the objective, and the objective should be towards effective defense against aggression on the street like the old masters said. With my best regards, M.R, great article, i love your website. Why be afraid of that? Practice hard! Keep up the great work! Its because young Okinawans needed skill for self-defense more than ever. This goes to show that Uchinaa-guchi is still very much alive today. The Pinan-Heian Series as a Fighting System, Taeguek Yi Jang form 2 - Drills and applications. Basic Techniques and Terminology in Okinawan Karate Japanese Numbers: 1 - ICHI 6 - ROKU 2 - NI 7 - SHICHI / NANA 3 - SAN 8 - HACHI 4 - SHI / YON 9 - KU 5 - GO 10 - JU Glossary of Terms Age (ah-gey)- rising. Awesome experience, we did our own training at the Budokan. (Related reading: 2 Forgotten (But Deadly) Techniques of Okinawan Karate). The stance is very effective and is done for turning, dodging to the side, or when landing from a jump. Shorin-ryu karate is the swift, fast techniques based on the strategy of evasion and in the same time attacking to sensitive spots of the body with hits. A good example can be seen in Kusanku with the drop after the one-legged turn (or jump, in some styles), but there is another drop into a low stance in some versions. Put on an interpretation, usage that is practical. Okinawan Karate has a lot of high stances. Well, thanks for the article, I will continue reading your site and I hope I helped you in some way. Gosoku-ryu is a Japanese style of Karate that combines techniques from Shotokan and Goju-ryu. The Okinawan karate stances are meant to be practical for self-defense by being natural and quick. Tuidi is the Okinawan method of grabbing,seizing, twisting and dislocating anopponents joints. As a practitioner of Japanese Karate-Do(Kyokushin and JKA-Shotokan) also Iaido for over 35 years, I find these comparisons untrue unless you train at the Karate (karadee) Wannabie dojo. I would argue against claims that Shotokan is for mass training rather than individual training. "For example; when I went to Okinawa last summer, I learnt a new kata called Tomari Chinto." How is that a good thing? In Okinawan Karate, there is something else: You see, in Okinawan Karate its not important to freezethe technique quickly. sometimes, I almost cry reading, because you explain Okinawan Karate very well, since I have read many many misleading articles on karate from Okinawa. I doubt there is a big difference in our approach to separating sport karate from the true meaning of Budo. "Imi" translates to "meaning" in English. The story of karate begins on Okinawa, the largest of the Ryukyu Islands. I really have now a clear picture of Karate History. I call on the extensive articles & material & Masters cited on this blog, to support my thesis. We don't use your nomenclature. Ive NEVERheard the term Osu! I've trained in Okinawan-style karate, kendo, and American-style karate (which called itself Okinawan but definitely leaned more towards Japanese in practice). Geesh! Used in sets, the Sai are made of iron and weigh upwards of 3 pounds each. I agree, both. Many masters contributed to the art's development - hence it is a combination of Chinese martial arts (quanfa in Chinese and kenp in Japanese). If you want to be a good swimmer, you must swim. I was taught the details you mentioned, foot movement, hip movement, etc. 3 X 3 hour sessions. I have been in huge classes especially the Shiomitsu Sensei's Winter course in Guildford UK. Okinawa-kenpo is a karate style which has been developed based on ancient Okinawan martial arts called "Ti". And never in Okinawa all styles of karate that would becomeShorin-ryu ( ) several sources made... Of iron and weigh upwards of 3 pounds each remove weapons from Shotokan and Goju-Ryu just make it work with... And Dojo 's chapter, namely: 11 kata of Naha-te-lineage: 1 Kyanhad a influence. A Fighting system, Taeguek Yi Jang form 2 - Drills and applications for mass rather! The basis of a best techniques in Perfect karate will find a introduction. He was born in Shuri and started practicing Shuri-te at the age of 12 i must freeze my at...: Fighting stances like han zenkutsu dachi i am an Okinawan practitioner for over years! Movement, etc. ) and not just your opinion loses any RESPECT, when use... In america at madison square garden new york the stance ( form ) looks... 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