
What is self fun? You may see now why its so untouched. Here, theyre using comparison (that a vault is hard to get into, just like the home), but instead of saying like a vault, theyre saying is a vault, for literary effect. My favorite things in my room are the pink wallpaper, the cool view outside my window because there are lots of cool trees and my bed's really comfortable because it has a soft mattress, there is also a cool windowsill that you can sit on and look at those beautiful trees. Brown that stands out because of the shine. it can be a beach theme a sky theme or whatever I can come up with. It has gym equipment, sports bags, a comfy queen sized bed and many more. Near those drawers is my wardrobe and on top of that wardrobe is a lot of mess. My bedroom is located at the back of my house halfway down the hall. I really liked that you had some really awesome words in your writing that really hooked me in and made it more intresting to keep on reading along. So I think that my bedroom is good because it is big and warm and I like how it is big enough to fit like 6 or more double beds in it so I can have a lot of friends round. But on the drawer top is a bit of mess, it holds my phone, a book, ipod and my lamp and behind my bed on my wall I have some posters. I like my bedroom theme it fits my personality. Great bedroom description Shadyn, I loved how you punctuated your sentences and it made it easy to read, you also have a good use of grammar. My cosy chair is nearly touching my duchess and is stuck in the corner. But the spelling and use of punctuation was needed and also you could use some more descriptive words. The color of the carpet is a dark grey which goes with the furniture and the color of the walls. Brothers Of A Feather Driving Wheel Lyrics. Just below bed there are the studying tables for homework and other work. As the sun beamed into my bedroom, one of my signs began to glisten and reflect the light that was coming through the window. Good descriptive words & keen to help you clean & rearrange anytime. Well done Emma I could really picture your bedroom well use of spelling and I like the words you have used. My bedrooms accessories brighten up my room a little bit. If you said your home was a warzone, you might think it wasnt a particularly nice place to be. Two walls are a normal bland cream, but the other walls are a bright tropical turquoise, But it surprisingly works! Writers usually describe the setting at the very start of a story. Overall I like my room more than hate it, for it has my favorite things and it is where I spend the most time, because I sleep there. The style of my bedroom is a wooden, boys and football styled room. My Bedroom I enter the room and dump my bulky school bags onto the ground. Above my desk there is my mini basketball hoop with my mini basketball in it. My favourite was the accessories it was funny. Nice job Andrew really liked reading your piece of writing it deserves well. Examples of Popular Metaphors All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. William Shakespeare I am the good shepherdand I lay down my life for the sheep. The Bible, John 10:14-15 All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.Khalil Gibran your bedroom is like the inside of your head (simile). My bedroom is exactly the way I like it, there is a chair in the corner which is very comfortable. But the worst thing about having a messy room is the feeling that you have of dreading about actually cleaning it. This crossword clue Metaphor for My bedframe is made out of a dark wood and is the size of a king single. I have to admit though mum doesn't like the amount of time I spend in it. No matter what the season, my bed covers always match my room and it's theme. I would like my room to be neater and tidyer so my mother would not be nagging at me all the time saying pick up your clothes Bree or make your bed Bree. It's the one spot in the house where it's completely designed by me. make sure it's extra creamy!! Because its too big to get out the door and it sits almost in front of my door and we cant get it out and I hate it. Sometimes I come home and I see the floor for once because my Mum hates the mess I make in the room. The temperature of the room is balanced. Well my room is very messy I hate tidying my room I alway have clothes all over the floor. Love Mum x. DOOGIES BEDROOM My room has a fresh air smell and, in the morning you can hear the birds chirping outside, if you were to walk into my room it would be clean and tidy just the way I like it. That is exactly what it looks like. Overall I think my bedroom is nice and comfy, and I like it the way it is. Most people have a bedroom, but everybody looks at their personal space differently. I would say that the overall style of my bedroom is light and modern. I think that you could work on adding a few more descriptive words. Poor thing, your hands are as cold as ice! The mother has to handle all of these things, and is feeling like shes trying to coordinate a zebra, giraffe, and elephant, to all work in unison! My bedroom supplies a marvellous view. My wall color is a nice light sea blue color I wouldn't change anything about it. Islas Bedroom Description Overall I love my room just the way it is. I would also change the view. 3-. The sight can be sometimes messy, with my clothes everywhere. Another metaphor that could be used is, " The bedroom is so messy, it looks like a war zone." Then theres my laundry basket that is white with lots of clothes in it. You have elaborated on your ideas and have given the reader evidence why it is like that. Copyright Dr Paul Enenche 2018-2020. My tv is sitting in the corner of the room but is easy to see because of the size, it is 39 inches and cool looking. And I would try and keep it a bit more tidy! A typical-sized pond is also viewable, although you must be up much closer to see the timid fish hiding under the pondweed. and at night when it's extremely cold I turn on my speedy heating friend my electric blanket and snuggle right down into my black and white duvet and my purple fluffy sheets. I have got posters on all the walls in my room and they almost cover up my well one of my walls. My white covered double bed sits in the middle of my spacious room. The reader doesn't know what you mean, but overall its very good. Every cloud has a silver lining, as they say. It is the most modern part of my entire house because it has recently been renovated from the garage that was never used. One of my cushions are light pink and the other one is white. However your vocabulary could still improve to help the readers to have a clearer picture of what your bedroom looks like. Its lovely to see the colour of your carpet again, Just a wee reminder please unpack your rugby bag before it starts waffling out the door!! I have two colours in my room. It sounds like the perfect place to go after school or work and feel comfortable and relaxed. By Angus Stewart, I like how you have clearly stated your paragraphs. 7. as broad as Heavens expanse. You have described your room well and I can paint a picture. My bedroom. Sometimes I don't even have enough space to use my massive laptop because all my pens and books and rubbish are in the way.I need to give it a good clean. Whichever it is, Im going to take you on a virtual tour of my bedroom. I have no clothes draws sitting around in my room because my wardrobe is large enough to store everything in. The touch, it's soft, smooth and warm at night. All I can hear is my brothers music playing really loud and the sound of my dad telling me to clean my room. Closest to the door, there is a bookshelf, bursting with divine specimens begging to be devoured. Under this window is my computer desk with a small draw and a slot for a keyboard giving a nice place to work. Good description Annie. Great descriptions and fun to read. Good job, I like how you described your basketball posters. You could have added some more descriptive words in there. The walls and ceiling have little lumps and bumps and patterns to make my room have a bit more affect. metaphors to describe a bedroom. Next step is to read it over to correct punctuation like needed and unneeded capitals and use of commas. Write a detailed description of your bedroom as you left it this morning. And I have dirty plates on my floor because when I get home from school I will get something to eat then go lay on my bed, then I forget to take them out of my room. On the left behind the wall, you can see a lot of lego and a few book and also a bean bag. Inspirational messages can be viewed on plaques, saying things such as dream, see beauty in everything, or friends are the family we choose for ourselves. The word believe is arched across the door to my wardrobe. It was a great story. I have the white bedside table right next to my bed because well i need something to put my drink on, and I think that's the same for my sister. You also have great descriptive words to help visualize. When you look around my room you can see a whole bunch of different things, if you climb above all the dirty clothes, theres all of my furniture, my radiator and a whole load of colours. 3 of my walls are a plain white but the fourth one has wallpaper on it, the wall paper has a cream coloured background and has light pink coloured pineapples. I am so pleased with your progress in descriptive writing this year Brooke. Good job! Then the colour of the furniture from a blue to a lighter colour. Great work Joel! Then it leaves me the curtains, the ugly pale curtains, I would also change the colour of these. You describe it very well, you could visualize yourself in your room. well done kaden it does sound like your room. Now I am going to move on to my senses. Your description was enjoyable to read. (My hands feel very cold.) The duvet is black and white patterned with vibrant orange sheets. 036-536 88 75. Buy Study Guide. My bedroom is down the hallway on the right next to the big purple bathroom. My rooms walls are two different colours. So my bed is messy, but in general my room isnt all that messy. My clothes they are placed in piles beside the wall because my dad has not got any draws for the room. Look at the picture and make sentences to describe the bedroom. It has a very comfy mattress and white sheets. Your next step is to use a wider range of vocabulary to more easily describe your room. Now my layout I don't really like my layout but it's ok I guess but it can be better the reason I don't like it is my bed is too far away from my tv. If your home was a classroom, you might imagine that you learned a lot around the house. The walls of my room are not too interesting at the moment, as they are covered in a bright white wall paper sealer ready for my new paint colours of white and teal blue. There is also a tall boy and an inbuilt wardrobe where I keep all of my shirts for school. There is a similar popular simile that means the same thing: my home looks like a bomb hit it. In the left corner when you walk in is a stack of books, a few being written in swedish. They are very basic paragraphs but with good description in them. My layout has nowhere to move, but I love it the way it is. Personally I really like my room. You have some good simple vocabulary. Your spelling was mostly correct there were just a few words like duvet. My bedroom is the second largest bedroom in my house, and in this description writing I will describe to you about my bedroom by my accessories, layout/space, color and furniture so here we go. I have a modern wooden desk for school work. NSL: There were some comma's needed that were not there, and some starts of sentences that were not capitals. I think that your piece of writing was great! Another piece of furniture I haven't yet mentioned is my bookshelf. We think STY is the possible answer on this clue. I would probably just proofread your work before submitting it. But there are disadvantages to having a small room. I didn't notice any capital mistakes throughout your writing. The other side of the room has my single bed crammed in the corner by the door. Next to that is a deceptive worktop. So overall your writing is amazing. Above my bed are decorations and then across from my bed there is my creamy white set of draws. Good peace of writing. Next time try not to use extra commas where they were not supposed to be. it has a good layout and the furniture is nice. When I left my room I had my pajamas on the floor with my beanbag in the middle of the room. At the foot of my bed there is a built in wardrobe with lots of clothes and at the foot of my sisters bed theres the entrance to the room and the door to the en suite. But love your work. You could add information on what you think about your room and why you like it. You described your room well George. No one can get in except for me. My photo frames have a glass border with a little butterfly in the corner to make it not as boring. So overall i think my bedroom is a wonderful place to relax and do my own thing so I wouldn't change a thing about it. Inside it there are many of my favourite pieces of jewelry including both Greenstone and Sterling Silver necklaces. I have heaps of pictures in my room, on my wall I have a picture of a duck (which I took) and in my wardrobe there are pictures of my dog, family and friends. One time I bounced a ping pong ball over my bed and landed then bounced off the floor and landed in the cup it was insane. But i have to admit I have a wonderful cleaner to clean my room but the way I left it was the day before the cleaner comes round. So, you can use this metaphor! I liked how your story told a true picture of how your room is. Then your eyes are carried to my dark coloured wooden dresser underneath the back window to the left. The style of your room to me is a dark and bright theme with all the colours and design. Curtains and carpet are the same grey colour, but the carpet is so soft you could sleep on it. Well done you should be happy with what you have wrote. We have a old square tv holder thingy that I used to swing on until I put a hole in the wall, its still there. So, a swamp is a perfect place for them to live. The only errors I could see was that you wrote picture instead of pictures. The cleanliness of my room is great but with a small amount of clothes on the ground. Whether it be the theme, the walls, the layout or just your favorite item in it. Next to my bed is a cabinet and some draws next to that. Across from that is an immense window, and finally, a built in wardrobe, containing various unfolded garments. I have told you four things about my room. to the right of that is a small toy box filled to the brim and next to it there is a big wardrobe that I never use. The mirror in my room is attached to my sister's dresser, around the edges of it has stickers that are half pulled off. Another is made by myself, I got to design and paint it however I liked. The layout is sort of a P shape without the hole. I have recently changed around my room. Very well written. Mollys Bedroom No i have to go and clean up my room. What a great description of your beautiful bedroom! The vocobulary is very good aswell. I deposit myself there to snuggle up with a book, stroke my darling cat or simply sit on my bed, daydreaming, soaking up the sacred silence. Idioms and Metaphors about Having a Good Sleep 8. But there are a few errors like no enters between your intro and first point. I liked how you added a lot of description, like about the wall paper. I have a few pillows that sit on my bed and I think that they help tie my room and it's theme together. Over all it was well done. These creatures are also patterned on my bedsheets and pillowcases, companionable to me in the small hours. I hope you have had a virtual journey of what my bedroom looks like, have been taken through a story of my bedroom and know why I like my bedroom. I have two soft pillows filled with feathers and two cotton filled ones. Decorations fill the room with topics, happiness, colours and hobbies. So, now the walls. My golly gosh it's apigsty Ill be honest its like a pig lives in their. I also enjoy the way that my room is positioned and how it looks (when it's tidy). On the other side (the right hand side) there are 2 dressers a long short one with lots of stuff on it (my one) and a thin tall one with models on it (Jacksons one). I like how big my room is because its a good size for me to just lay on the ground and play on my devices or read. My room doesnt smell like anything except when ive sprayed on some perfume. Thanks to those paintings my room has some colour. But you a lot of descriptive words. It lies to the left of the monitor on the desk and is covered with old homework and empty cups. Finally, you look a little bit to the right and see a closet, that's where I would love to have a little seating area with a seat and a lamp so could my little private area. Three quarters of my room is engulfed in clothes and mess. 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Cowlishaw Elementary School, Articles M