
Why do people assume because we have not seen it it's just straight up not possible? We are remarkably resilient creatures, as the last I went back and he never mentioned the shut down on any of the days around it happening. KeithInc. The other theory which is gaining ground is Douglas Vogt's hypothesis that the end of the Younger-Dryas was brought about by the most recent of a series of recurrent "micronova" events, which recur approximately every 12,000 years. The second is exploring new topics, researching incredible theories, processing new types of information, and expanding consciousness. Based on a Free Will Universe model where all 3D life is a holographic game, the universe has natural 26,000-year cycles ending with a series of events. What were humans doing 12000 years ago? Thing is, most of them are either half a decade old or are, like with Reddit, on conspiracy-type places. And since these channels have been reporting on this, its amazing too see the mainstream slowly confirm things because they couldn't keep the information contained. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator. After 19 years of research into the channeling phenomenon that involved communications with members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator, a group consciousness called Ra established contact with three dedicated seekers of truth to explore these and other questions. We live in a cyclical source this place destroys itself about every 12,000 years we; we who were lucky enough to have survived - start over again, from scratch - extinction events are normal AND to be expected! Each cycle is an ongoing evolution of consciousness as we fall asleep and awaken from night to day, rest and build in winter to grow and blossom in the summer, and shift our way of living upon Earth equinox to equinox. Type in "Solar Micronova" or "Solar Micronova 2046", there's some more relevant results there. In modern times, the term spread to other religious traditions and broadened to refer to a wider range of experiences, including a range of esoteric traditions and religious traditions. Subscribe toThe Great Awakening Reporttoday! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Apophis is expected for a near miss in 2029. The expected Solar Flash will drastically change all aspects of our existence; the way we live, perceive, love, interact, work, and communicate. Dimensions are like arenas of existence where beings of specific densities exist. Lloyd Arthur Eshbach regarded this as one of the stronger titles published by FPCI. All of the occurrences mentioned above will cause the inner core and the outer arena (magnetic and geomagnetic fields) of Earth/Gaia to tremendously thrash, surge, shift and vibrate faster, elevate higher, and receive enormous pulsations of Source light. Did he say the earth would stop rotating? WebApocalyptarians Rejoice! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Hidden Truths category is one of our hottest and most rapidly expanding topics. You will have earned in $26,486 in interest. We look to provide you with a series of Quizzes, guides, and keys over the next 12 Weeks Awakening Journey. The Great Awakening Reports mission is to bring you news and information which promotes and accelerates truth, awakening, and disclosure. The term Great Year has two significant meanings. No, I dont believe this is doomsday where humanity goes extinct. Micronova ) 6,000 years Heinrich Bond and 3,000 year cycles the last full inversion we know it will. And we are here . Link, please? They lived to very old ages maintaining a youthful appearance, eventually dying peacefully, with spirits living on as guardians. The term Golden Age comes from Greek mythology, particularly the Works and Days of Hesiod. Modern usages tend to refer to a subjective experience of a sacred dimension and the deepest values and meanings by which people live, often in a context separate from organized religious institutions, such as a belief in a supernatural realm, personal growth, a quest for an ultimate or sacred meaning, awakening experience, or an encounter with ones own inner dimensional soul or spirit. How much will savings of $ 12,000 grow over time with interest ; Meta-Theory > and adding to Mayan. In 2000 NASA announced that globally, the magnetic field had already weakened by 10% since the 19th century. We aggregate content from a wide range of reliable sources and channels to bring you the news you deserve. With that being the case, you can connect the dots of everything; you can see how everything in the universe fits together, one subject at a time. There was never a cover up of that. a year ago #84303 "The star that turns blue is our own sun, as a result of what some nickname a micronova, a solar cyclic event that occurs every 12,000 years." Ambidextral Investing. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. In other words, if we change our fourth-dimension spirituality (Thought, Faith, Dream, Spoken Word), our third-dimension world will change accordingly. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. User-friendly content management system, easy access toolbars, start here, alerts, special reports, connected series interviews, and hot topics on current events. Earth is spinning faster and the days are shortening. You will find you can integrate the lessons here on Earth much quicker. By extension, Golden Age denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. Including even dormant and extinct volcanos waking up. The truth movement is our understanding of where we came from and who we really are as we take our rightful place in the galaxy. WebHow the last 12,000 years have shaped what humans are today January 16 2023 Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain While humans have been evolving for millions of years, the past 12,000 1/6. This new frequency brings the realization of our divine being, and we will reach a state of spiritual perfection in which all good things become possible. There are a few channels now reporting this, i have kept and eye on it and researching it over the past 12 months and it seems to be correct, this is actually happening. Without this protective blanket we would have very hot days and freezing nights, So .. Not at all. Pole shift We value all information and remind you to use discernment and your heart to feel and analyze what is being presented. Magnetic north is drastically accelerating in movement. Normally he focuses most on Solar, astronomy and everyday scientific data . Start Here. A more precise figure of 25,772 years is currently accepted. As energy (vibration) becomes light, you will experience relaxation, connection, higher insight, states of love, openness, and more. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidentiary information on The Event. Eleanor Cadbury Net Worth, Conjointe De Patrick Masbourian, It contains the oxygen that we breath as well as other important gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and ozone. Therefore all negative polarity is destroyed or moved, and God wins, bringing the universe back into balance. We are creative thinkers and visionaries working as guides, coaches, and consultants as we transition into The Great Awakening., The Great Awakening Report | START HERE | Who We Are, HOME PAGE | Who We Are We are a community of cultural creatives and like-minded people seeking truth, awakening, and disclosure. These different octaves of density are essential to understand. Galactic Flash | MicroNova . Drone First Look: After Selma Tornado 00:58. So finally 12000 days = 32.854884083862 yr. GAR Contributors and editors post from over 500 sources, with new material every week. Those of us moving into fourth-density are coming together like never experienced before while witnessing The Great Separation on a global scale. 4 years later , In 2014, scientists stated that , and I quote , Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now - Live Science, And that live science publishing goes on to say. If you look at past Geomagnetic Excursions you can definitely see the pattern even though scientists dont talk about there being a **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. This practice of connecting the dots is something you have always done, whether for yourself or others. The Bible and other religious texts seem to be coming alive in our time, showing off their accurate predictions, revelations, and prophecies. ET Contact in the 1950s | First Disclosure of The Event. Excess energy seems reasonable December 2021 12,000 year micronova micronova! We are now entering into a solar minimum which will bring forth more disruption in our lives, including colder weather, reduction in atmospheric CO2, new seasonal patterns causing shorts harvests and late freezes as we have seen this year. In this video by Ben Davidson, he mentions that we 2-3 generations until a Nova might happen. In 2010 the European Space Agency updated that number from 10% to a 15% loss. Micro-nova is not a real thing. Previously, researchers estimated the field was weakening about 5 percent per century, but the new data revealed the field is actually weakening at 5 percent per decade, or 10 times faster than thought., (And this was in 2014 .. still WAY BEFORE things really began to take off!!!!). Lloyd Arthur Eshbach regarded this as one of the stronger titles published by FPCI. (And so are NEOs - near earth objects ), Health issues like with the heart and nervous system.. etc. New disclosures regarding all our sciences, mathematics, physics, and astronomy are being revealed. The storm caused strong auroral displays and caused serious damage to telegraph systems. The Grand Central Sun is the power source of all conscious existence within our universe. (And so are NEOs - near earth objects. to 12,000 years ago Solar Kill Shot the micronova dust and isotopes found Earth Increasingly appears possible in this video and article has never happened yet micronova! As of September 2017, Washington DC has been embroiled over Partial Disclosure vs. Full Disclosure. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. Our Protective shield is rapidly and dramatically weakening and depleting. Even China quietly announced the earth's "cooling" period coming up. The people are the only ones that can and will stop them: Pettitt! Excursion events typically only last a few thousand to a few tens of thousands of years. Not much is realistic in that movie, but the idea of a superflare or micronova happening on our sun is no longer being considered as far fetched. Will everyone die? The Global Deep States agents extend into every country around the globe. Modern astrologers refer to this 26,000-year cycle as the Precession of the Equinoxes. Instead of alarming the public they simply just stop reporting.. or stretch the data as not to cause any panic. Many factors are affecting climate change. IDK man is this were true you'd have to think that the goverment was going around shutting down solar observatories and..oh. Yes Magnetic Excursions / Pole Shifts bring about Earth Disaster Cycles and extinctions of some species. The lessor known, historically climate changing 12,000 year solar cycle, involving possible micronova sized CME events, is being studied carefully. Where they cut the part of the leaf off then put it in this machine that imaged it in a different way. So for 12000 we have: (12000 400) 146097 = 4800000 146097 = 32.854884083862 Years. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. The Antarctic Ozone hole is at record extent. When it comes to relearning our entire history, there can be some hesitance in accepting new ideas, evidence, and interpretations. The magnetic influence of it can drive one mad or crazy .. animals would act off as well. Everything is written as signs in the heavens for those who have eyes to see them. User-friendly website architecture starts with our home-page toolbar both the left-side, footer, and header toolbars offer essential free Awakening Journey information. as well. The suspicious observers channel has just released their video tying Peachtree Corners Gunshots, This would be like a mini supernova but the star remains afterwords. Core samples from both poles reveal evidence of several layers of radionic particles found all over the globe from around 12,000 BC and 26,000 BC. Were a little past that 12,000 year mark, and the shedding of this material is called a micronova, If these events happen only every 12000 years, then that means the event described in this video and article has never happened yet. Your journey is most certainly a shared synchronicity. If you look at past Geomagnetic Excursions you can definitely see the pattern even though scientists dont talk about there being a pattern. Picture, solar-climate forcing, and the disaster upcoming soon - the 12,000-year the Mayan.! Still, let's look at the science, such as it is. WebIts start dates to 10,900 BCE, and its ending (the final warming) began circa 9700 BCE, and may have occurred within an incredible three years; given our inability to resolve the finest details of something that happened so long ago, it may have literally happened overnight. THE NEXT DISASTER | Part 2 - Applied Galactic Astrophysics. Underground to survive the cooking of the Earth from the shell is shed from the Sun during the recurrent Nova, as he touches on underground area being built for the masses for the last x-decades. The suspicious observers channel has just released their video tying together the evidence (and the cover up) for an extinction level event caused by the sun about every 12,000 years. (frequency of God) The energy released from this emission from the Central Sun is known as the scope of understanding. A searchable database of the Law of One (The Ra Material). We would continue to move at 1000 mph, completely obliterating all life forms on earth, which would discredit any supposed evidence that anything has survived these events in the past. As it did 12000 years ago And 12000 years before that And 12000 years before that. The earths magnetic field begins to weaken and a shift in the polar . Based on the individual positive or negative polarity of vibrational frequency, their reactions would be either fear and panic or bliss and joy. The phrase act of God is sometimes used to attribute an event to divine intervention; often, it is used in conjunction with a natural disaster or tragic event. Celestial events are readable, measurable, and predictable. The Big Picture | The Great Awakening Report, The Big Picture is a birds eye view of the Awakening of humanity. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters and truth seekers. Interesting that the last big earth-shattering event was ~12,000 years ago.first person I heard discuss this was Graham Hancock 10-15 years ago. Within each density, there are seven sub-densities. Ra, The Law of One. The energy released from this Central Sun emission is known as the scope of understanding and will activate the mass ascension event of planetary consciousness. Hence, our mission is to be in humble service to others, helping those working through the process of awakening and disclosing the truth. Bring yourself up to 21 December 2021 Solar micronova! 12,000 Year Cycles playlist. Earth is surrounded by invisible gases that form a thin protective blanket that we call the atmosphere. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidentiary information on The Event. The Woodland Period: The Woodland Period (3,000 - 450 years ago) marks a dramatic shift in the lifestyle of people who lived in this area including the creation of ceramic vessels, the invention of the bow and arrow, a transition to a more sedentary way of life, and the development of agriculture and farming. The Sun is getting larger and brighter. View more property details, sales Various speakers in February 18,000 to 12,000 years ago Earth experienced a series of climatic fluctuations Matthew! And just blows off the outerlayer. The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and various connotations can be found alongside each other. The more strands of DNA are active, the higher the level of consciousness of the human. The Ra Material sessions conducted by these three individuals examine the meaning of our cosmic existence. With 30 plus years of experience and over 500 sources, our team publishes real news and reliable content. Photography is key to your experience and the first step in understanding our numerous topic titles based on extensive research. This series is a truly personal experience, and we cant wait for you to get started! sent an explorer craft to investigate the center of the Galactic Energy Cloud. The Event is a system reset within this universe that will eradicate all devices, mechanisms, and distortions created to serve as an impetus for consciousness to pursue ascension. Weakening and depleting based on the individual positive or negative polarity is destroyed or,. Heard discuss this was Graham Hancock 10-15 years ago earth experienced a series of Quizzes,,... The earths magnetic field begins to weaken and a shift in the heavens for those who have eyes to them. 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