
I asked one person, are the blocks stopping people? He said, no, theyre put up a ramp," he said. Dams were erected to power various small-town gristmills, sawmills, oil expellers, and fulling mills,[28] and the electrical power plant at Branchville established in 1903. No one seems to know what, if anything, the future might hold for the viaduct, which for a time was the largest reinforced concrete structure in the world. 40.9480, -75.0613. Columbia, a hamlet near the mouth of the Paulins Kill in Knowlton Township, was known for a large glass manufacturing factory. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. In 2016, it took a lengthy rescue to free a 20-year-old women who fell down a manhole cover and injured her ankle. Aerial view of the 109-year-old Paulinskill Viaduct. When completed in 1910, it was the largest reinforced concrete structure in the world. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. [1] It flows southwest for the rest of its journey, through Hampton and Stillwater townships in Sussex County. Of course, I would like positive improvements for all ski destinations in the Northeast, from the Green Mountains in Vermont, to the Catskills in New York State, to ours in the Poconos and Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania. Opened to regular rail traffic on Christmas Eve 1911, the Paulinskill Viaduct, supported by its seven graceful arches, carried DL&W trains until 1960, when the railroad merged with the Erie Railroad to form the Erie Lackawanna Railroad. [18], A village named Paulina located a short distance east of Blairstown on Route 94, is said to have been named "from the stream upon which it is located." We would tell people that, aside from it being illegal to go back there, its not deemed a safe area to hike, Flynn said. NJT has proposed to restore the rest of the Cut-Off, including the Paulinskill Viaduct, and restore passenger service into northeastern Pennsylvania, possibly as far as Scranton. The time thousands of fellow Pennsylvanians and New Jerseyans spend commuting from Lackawanna, Monroe, Northampton, Sussex and Warren counties can be a waste for not only work productivity, but also a tax on health. Since then it has remained a true hidden treasure. After attending Montclair State University, she continued her education online, obtaining certifications in social media management. Also known as the Hainesburg Trestle, it was an architectural marvel. Together they comprise 6,564acres (2656ha) of protected lands, mostly acquired through "Green Acres" funds. [37], The New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) has ranked the Paulins Kill as the seventh in a collection of rivers and creeks in a Top 30 listing of New Jersey waterways to Save[38] The Paulins Kill is home to a wide variety of amphibians, including the spotted salamander, red-spotted newt, American toad, Fowler's toad, American bullfrog and others. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Follow him on Twitter@RobJenningsNJ. The headwaters start near Route 622 in Fredon Township. Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 8 h 22 min to complete. His property covers 50 acres on both sides of the Paulins Kill River (the river uses a different spelling than the viaduct). "The Paulin's Kill Viaduct is a reinforced concrete structure, 1100 ft. long, composed of five 120-ft and two 100-ft arches carrying the new double track cut-off of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad across the Paulin's Kill valley..The completed structure will contain 43,000 cu. Fortunately, he was alive. When completed in 1910, it was the largest reinforced concrete structure in the world. Walsh said he no longer sees anything like that, adding that technology has likely played a role in discouraging extreme adventures. reviews. In 1910-11 it was the worlds largest Concrete Structure. In an era before interstates, and before automobiles were common, everyone traveled by rail. Theyre approved for a reason, Flynn said. . In addition, Phase 2 would run from Andover, New Jersey to Scranton, Pennsylvania, where the Roseville Tunnel, Paulinskill Viaduct and Delaware River Viaduct would be put into use. [10] The Wallkill River drains the northeastern portion of the valley, flowing north to the Hudson River watershed. Deciding to live for now, I climb back up the slanty rungs and head back east off the bridge, back to the top of the page to . Kittatinny Valley is bordered to the northwest by the Kittatinny Ridge segment of the Ridge and Valley Appalachian Mountains, and to the southeast by the New Jersey Highlands. The first words out of his mouth were, Do I get a refund? I recall The Star-Ledger or Herald News stating that he sustained a couple broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a ruptured spleen. However, this projectcontroversial from the start because of environmental concerns and the federal government's abuse of eminent domainwas canceled during the 1970s. Officials installed fencing making it difficult to toss anything off the viaduct in that area, he said. Police Release Additional Photos Of "Person Of Interest" In Rt 1 Christmas Death In . Several farms along the banks of the Paulins Kill produce alfalfa, wheat, corn, hay (and historically, barley, buckwheat and rye). 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Located just outside of Blairstown there is a bridge back in the woods. Mathez recalled boarding the train in Blairstown, but never actually rode across the viaduct. Letter from Kenton Kilmer to Aline Kilmer (addressed to c/o Bob Holliday), November 18, 1929. quoted in Hillis, John. Mathez said efforts have been made, to varying degrees of success, to limit access to the viaduct from the woods on either side or at least minimize the potential harm. All of my search term words; Any of my search term words; Find results in. About four or five years ago, some enormous concrete blocks, about 10 feet long and 3 feet wide, were installed to block ATVs and other vehicles. Amongst non-railfans, the Paulinskill Viaduct is known for its internal chambers (used to inspect the structural integrity of the bridge), which are popular among those who enjoy urban exploration. The passenger train known as the "Phoebe Snow" is seen heading west on April 8, 1951, with the Paulinskill Viaduct in the background.John Treen, from the collection of Mike Del Vecchio / Tri-State Railway Historical Society. . The river flows north from its source near Newton in Sussex County, and then turns southwest toward the Warren County townships of Frelinghuysen, Hardwick, Blairstown, and Knowlton. Flowing through rural sections of Sussex and Warren counties, it is regarded as an excellent place for fly fishing. When first constructed in 1908, the Paulinskill Viaduct was considered to be one of the wonders of the world. For a brief period of time the reinforced concrete arched bridge was the largest structure of its kind in the entire world (until a more massive one was built in Pennsylvania). Paulinskill Viaduct, Columbia New Jersey (Knowlton Township)Exploring one of the past wonders of the world, Paulinskill Viaduct AKA Hainesburg Trestle. All rights reserved (About Us). After the New York, Susquehanna and Western decommissioned the route in 1962, the right-of-way along this corridor was purchased by the City of Newark the following year. Knowlton, N.J. Oct. 27, 2019.Andre Malok | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com, A version of this story published on November 3, 2019. how to register a car in illinois during coronaviruschurch's chicken nutrition pdf; word craze daily puzzle . True or not, visitors to the area do report a strange presence or eerie feeling. [35], About the year 1760, Mark Thomson (17391803) settled in Hardwick Township (now Frelinghuysen Township) and erected a gristmill and sawmill on the Paulins Kill. At the time of the first settlement by emigrating Europeans in this region, it was populated by the Munsee tribe of the Lenni Lenape (or Delaware) Indians. Often sighted are water fowl such as the mute swan, the wood duck, and the mallard, wading birds such as the killdeer, and predators such as the red-tailed hawk. The Paulinskill Viaduct has been a bridge to nowhere since 1978, when the last train rumbled across this majestic crossing 115 feet above the river. Very few passable, large roads were built in this section of New Jersey, then largely a sparsely populated wilderness, before the creation of turnpike companies in the early decades of the Nineteenth Century. A rope had broken. Other mammals include eastern chipmunk, porcupine, black bear, striped skunk, river otter, and bobcat. Pahaqualong is roughly translated as "end of two mountains with stream between", from a combination of the words peuck meaning "water hole," qua meaning "boundary," and the suffix -onk meaning "place. Misuse of the site is distressing to those who respect the viaducts legacy as an engineering marvel of its time. Then somebody was hurt pretty badly and the police put a stop to it, Mathez said. New Jersey State Police have jurisdiction over the viaduct, whose nearest road - Station Road - prominently displays no-trespassing signs. Now you have cell phones, said Walsh, who runs the Lackawanna Cut-Off Historical Committee Facebook group. Paulinskill Viaduct was one of the largest reinforced concrete structures in the world at its time and is also known as the Hinesburg viaduct. Today the viaduct is owned by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, which has to restore freight and passenger rail service between New York and Scranton, PA over the trestle. The Paulinskill Viaduct, which was completed in 1910, was once the world's largest reinforced concrete structure. It enters Blairstown immediately after, where it is joined by Blair Creek, named (as is the town) for John Insley Blair (18021899), as well as Jacksonburg Creek, Susquehanna Creek, Dilts Creek and Walnut Creek. Continue reading , They say that at one time a farmer killed his entire family, then went to the tree to hang himself. The bridge was. We would encourage people, if they want to hike in the woods, to do it in a state park or on the state trail system. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Its a constant, ongoing problem to get the graffiti off, Starrs said. It is also the definition of an attractive. The Paulinskill Viaduct, also known as the Hainesburg Viaduct, is a reinforced concrete railroad bridge that crosses the Paulins Kill in Knowlton Township, New Jersey. Post this also under r/trains . NJ Transit is lengthening the current line about three miles to Andover Township, in Sussex County, but there is no plan at present to head farther west, a spokesperson said. William Armstrong, a local settler, built the first grist mill there along the river in 1768, and the village took root. Artifacts (often of stone, clay or bone) of the Native American culture are often found in nearby farm fields and at the site of their ancient villages. [1] When completed in 1910, it was the largest reinforced concrete structure in the world. vintage.newjersey. Chuck Walsh, also of Knowlton, recalled spotting bungee jumpers as far back as the 1980s. [52], Birdwatchers have sighted a variety of common and endangered species of birds that inhabit New Jersey. The spot is marked in one of the arches. When completed in 1910, it was the largest reinforced concrete structure in the world. The Paulinskill Viaduct, also known as the Hainesburg Viaduct, is a reinforced concrete railroad bridge that crosses the Paulins Kill in Knowlton Township, New Jersey. Jeff Flynn said that troopers respond both to complaints and do periodic checks of unattended cars in the area. Photos of the interior are not included in this article as it was difficult to find graffiti without vulgarity. We would tell people that, aside from it being illegal to go back there, its not deemed a safe area to hike, Flynn said. What we do encourage is appreciating New Jerseys unique history. The route has another, more massive viaduct (the Tunkhannock Creek . The castle has been . The viaduct was built by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad as part of the Lackawanna Cut . New Jersey State Police have jurisdiction over the viaduct, whose nearest road - Station Road - prominently displays no-trespassing signs. The Scenic Hike In New Jersey That Will Lead You Straight To The Abandoned Hibernia Cemetery, A Hike Along The Batsto Lake Trail In New Jersey Leads You Straight To An Abandoned Village, A Drone Flew High Above An Uninhabited Island In New Jersey And Caught The Most Incredible Footage, This Eerie And Fantastic Footage Takes You Inside New Jerseys Abandoned Wayne Hills Mall, Theres A Hike In New Jersey That Leads You Straight To An Abandoned Village, Most People Have Long Forgotten About This Vacant Ghost Town In Rural New Jersey, The One Creepy Ghost Town In New Jersey You Can Actually Visit If You Dare, Most People Dont Know The Story Behind The New Jersey Ghost Town That Never Died. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they've recommended. At one time, it was the world's largest reinforced concrete structure. Privacy Policy. Now on foot, photos pan left to right from the north side just off Station Road. I dont like the idea of having a train through here. They did it over the river, at the highest point. In an era before interstates, and before automobiles were common, everyone traveled by rail. 1 stars. I dont like the idea of having a train through here. Show the world your Jersey pride some of our Jersey-centric goodies. The height can be dizzying though, looking down at the tops of tall trees, and several of the guardrails are not longer in place to separate the adventurer from the abyss. NJ Transit did not immediately respond to a follow-up request for comment. [51] Along Kittatinny Ridge in the northern part of the watershed are parts of Worthington State Forest (west), Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (central), and Stokes State Forests (east). This allows the explorer to actually travel through the inside of the structure. Contents 1 History 2 Notes 3 References 4 External links History [ edit] The graffiti-filled chambers have been featured on Weird NJ. [15], Two other possibilities for the naming of the Paulins Kill are more likely. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. (and Johnson, William M.). The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Some people even say on certain nights there are satanic rituals held in the rooms inside the bridge. But it didnt completely solve the issues. At a total length of 1,100 feet and with a clearance of 115 feet, the New Jersey. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Chuck Walsh, also of Knowlton, recalled spotting bungee jumpers as far back as the 1980s. Mathez recalled boarding the train in Blairstown, but never actually rode across the viaduct. A rogue entrepreneur set up a horizontal pulley system, someone managed to get a car onto the viaduct, and was charging $75 per jump, he said. The Paulinskill Viaduct is also known for its internal chambers (used to inspect the structural integrity of the bridge), which are popular among those who enjoy urban exploration. As a kid, I used to go there a lot. Most of the New Jersey shoreline and cities such as Elizabethtown and Newark were practically unknown to the German settlers along the Paulins Kill who learned of the existence of these cities only through trade with the local Lenni Lenape. Completed in 1911, it was part of the Lackawanna Cutoff before being abandoned in the 1960s. I have been there a couple of times andI agree, the amount of graffiti and litter has definitely increased. Manholes located along the railbed provide access to the top of the bridge from within. English Wikipedia. This is a treasure and it needs to be kept up, not left to fall into disrepair, Starrs said. There are tunnels within it. At the time it was built in 1910, it was the largest reinforced concrete structure in the world. Not because of the train itself. Atlas Obscura identifier. During much of the mid-eighteenth century, trade in the northwestern reaches of New Jersey was conducted through Philadelphia by way of the Delaware River. A few times when we were up there crawling through the passageways it felt odd. Swartswood State Park, established in 1914 as the first and oldest state park in New Jersey, is on 2,272 acres (919ha) just north of Paulins Kill Lake in Sussex County. Trout are stocked each year during the spring fishing season by New Jersey's Division of Fish & Wildlife. The service was mixed between passenger and freight throughout the years, however for its remaining years, only freight was running through the corridor. Tim, I lived in the Blairstown area for 20 years and belonged to the Local Rescue Squad and have climbed through the maze of tunnels and caverns in the Paulinskill Viaduct. It is also the definition of an attractive nuisance. The Viaduct, or Hainesburg Trestle, is a long abandoned railroad bridge over the Paulinskill River near Blairstown. However, very few records are extant detailing Bernhardt's family. Get the latest updates right in your inbox. [39] In 2000, a public sewer and water project in Branchville, New Jersey, was suspended out of concern for dwarf wedgemussels (Alasmidonta heterodon), an endangered species, and restarted in 2002. Paulinskill Viaduct Facts Total Length 1,100 feet. NJ DEP Attains Settlement Over Water Pollution Violations affecting Paulinskill River, Defend New Jersey's Waters Release List of Top 30 Waterways To Save, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection: Division of Fish and Wildlife: Amphibians of New Jersey, History and Heritage of Civil Engineering: "Tunkhannock Viaduct", Weird New Jersey Magazine, 2001 Weekly Story Archives, "Trout Fishing in New Jersey - The Good 'Ole Days are Now! That is lost revenue, lost income and more negative carbon emissions in North Jersey and Northeastern Pennsylvania for a purpose that could easily be fulfilled by a commuter/intercity rail to Scranton. These days if you may see people walking a dog, someone proposing, or base jumpers, or unfortunately even risk takers or worse. Opened December 24 1911. The surrounding area is used for hiking and other forms of recreation such as observing birds and other wildlife. Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement updated 7/1/2022). The Poconos are not only a weekend getaway destination, but also a major commuter area of New York City/North Jersey. For a while, viaduct visitors were throwing stones into the Paulins Kill, but sometimes their aim was off and the rocks were landing on Station Road. This route could very well be one of NJTransits most scenic and historic routes. [1][2] Knowlton Mayor Adele Starrs said she would prefer seeing the viaduct incorporated into the regions extensive rails-to-trails network. Nicholas Dnistran. The assumption is that the name Paulins Kill was derived from "Pauline's Kill". Supposedly anyone who tries to cut down the tree comes to an untimely end, as it is now cursed. Andre Malok | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com, John Treen, from the collection of Mike Del Vecchio / Tri-State Railway Historical Society, News never stops. After thirty minutes of watching them, we heard a splash. His property covers 50 acres on both sides of the Paulins Kill River (the river uses a different spelling than the viaduct). Areas along the Paulins Kill generally were not settled until the 1740s and 1750s. We would encourage people, if they want to hike in the woods, to do it in a state park or on the state trail system. The Spy House was once a local inn that served as a safe haven for American revolutionaries. It is authorized to succeed to Andover, New Jersey for Phase 1, and it is projected to be in service by 2025. [27][28][29][30], The area around present-day Stillwater was first settled by the family of Casper Shafer (17121784), a Palatine German who had emigrated to Philadelphia a few years earlier. Hikers, ATV riders, climbers, graffiti artists even bungee-jumpers have been spotted over the years. Mike Del Vecchio, president of the Tri-State Railway Historical Society, Inc., hasnt given up on fully restoring the Lackawanna Cutoff. Its already one of the widest rural highways in the region. reviews. It's a landmark. More common species include: American robin, barn swallow, field sparrow, blue jay, black-capped chickadee, northern cardinal, red-winged blackbird and the American goldfinch. In 1910, the Lackawanna RR finished this route using the Netcong cutoff to connect Binghamton, NY to Hoboken, NJ Without a single grade crossing. Paulinskill Viaduct My first view of the viaduct is from the south side along Station Road. There are no doubts about it. We packed our equipment up and left. The main branch of the Paulins Kill begins to form immediately north of Newton, in the marshes that straddle the town. Add Review. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (User Agreement updated 1/1/21. Along the shore of the Sandy Hook Bay lies a white wooden building that has stood since the mid-1600s. So why do the Pocono Mountains, a premier ski and recreation destination that also serves as a super-commuter suburb of New York City and North Jersey, lack a passenger rail corridor? In 1.1 miles the trail arrives at the massive Paulinskill Viaduct, also known as the Hainesburg Trestle. yd. Internal Chambers once used for bridge inspection and maitnence. The train line went out of service in 1979, the railroad tracks were torn up in 1985 and the Viaduct was abandoned. Wikimedia import URL. As you go down the road you dont see it, then all of a sudden theres this massive bridge towering above you out of nowhere. They were jumping off the middle of the bridge on the south side, Walsh said. Common game animals include white-tailed deer, eastern coyote, red fox, gray fox, opossum, eastern cottontail rabbit, raccoon, gray and red squirrel, beaver, muskrat, and woodchuck or groundhog. He said he doesnt favor restoring the rail line. According to some, numerous suicides and murders occurred around the evil arbor. The Paulinskill Viaduct has been a bridge to nowhere since 1978, when the last train rumbled across this majestic crossing 115 feet above the river. The railbed on top provides a breathtaking view of the valley for miles around. First, that the wife of one of the area's first settlers, Johan Peter Bernhardt (died 1748), was named Maria Paulina and that she had died prior to the first settlement at Stillwater in 1742. Sign up with Facebook or Sign up with email Structurae structure ID. The passenger train known as the "Phoebe Snow" is seen heading west on April 8, 1951, with the Paulinskill Viaduct in the background.John Treen, from the collection of Mike Del Vecchio / Tri-State Railway Historical Society. All contents Weird NJ and may not be reproduced by any means without permission. [47], The Paulins Kill is a popular fishing destination for various species of trout, such as rainbow trout, brown trout and brook trout. Neither do we. Kill is a Dutch word for "stream". And its also worth mentioning the VIA Rail Service for our northern neighbors in Alberta, Canada to their scenic Banff ski areas. Explore. We leaped into the water and pulled the guy out. Our fire and rescue has responded multiple times to people who got stuck up there, Starrs said. Need A Guide For Exploring Paulinskill Viaduct Trail(Can Compensate) Because I want to compile a case to make it a protected NJ Historical Landmark on the basis of feats of engineering, record of largest concrete structure when built, and the rest of the Lackawanna Line's Oddities Too While some may suggest adding additional lanes on I-80 in New Jerseys Sussex and Warren counties, it doesnt solve the transportation issues with regards to Northwest New Jersey and Northeastern Pennsylvania. Paulinskill Viaduct, Columbia: See 5 reviews, articles, and 9 photos of Paulinskill Viaduct, ranked No.6 on Tripadvisor among 6 attractions in Columbia. and our I asked one person, are the blocks stopping people? He said, no, theyve put up a ramp, he said. Rail lines were like todays interstates, he said, adding that restoring the Lackawanna Cutoff would especially benefit commuters from eastern Pennsylvania seeking an alternative to driving on Route 80. Over the years, Ive always wondered why one of the most premier ski and recreation destinations in the Northeast - the Pocono Mountains - does not have passenger rail service. The Paulinskill Viaduct, also known as the Hainesburg Viaduct, is a reinforced concrete railroad bridge that crosses the Paulins Kill in Knowlton Township, New Jersey. [49] Shad can still be found in the Delaware River. [21][22], Typically, early European settlement along the Paulins Kill was by Palatine Germans who had emigrated to the New World via the port of Philadelphia from 1720 to 1800. The park resided near some marshland right before the Rt. [45] This site is commonly visited by adventure-seeking individuals. The N.J. Department of Transportation, which owns the right of way that includes the Paulinskill Viaduct, did no immediately respond to a request for comment on possible future uses. For a thrill you can go . reviews. The Paulinskill Viaduct, also known as the Hainesburg Viaduct, is a reinforced concrete railroad bridge that crosses the Paulins Kill in Knowlton Township, New Jersey. The New York, Susquehanna and Western Railway (reporting mark NYSW) (or New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad and also known as the Susie-Q or the Susquehanna) is a Class II American freight railway operating over 400 miles (645 km) of track in the northeastern U.S. states of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. The 1,100-foot-long, 115-foot-tall seven arch span was built by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad in 1910. Building began in 1908 and by the time the structure was completed, it was considered the Eighth Wonder of the World. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Why should people in Northwest New Jersey and Northeastern Pennsylvania have to deal with such long commutes? Subscribe to NJ.coms newsletters. The Paulinskill Viaduct, also known as the Hainesburg Viaduct, is a reinforced concrete railroad bridge that crosses the Paulins Kill in Knowlton Township, New Jersey. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The tracks were removed in 1982 and the Viaduct abandoned. DOT spokesperson Mairin Bellack, in an email, reiterated that public access is strictly prohibited.. The train line went out of service in 1979, the railroad tracks were torn up in 1985 and the Viaduct was abandoned. Remnants of their chiefly agricultural settlements are still found in local architecture, cemeteries, farms and mills, and the area remains largely rural. 47 bridge that leads into the Wildwoods, a popular south Jersey beach destination and home to Morey's Piers. Home United States Pennsylvania Monroe County Tourist attraction Paulinskill Viaduct. Memoirs and Reminiscences: Together with Sketches of the Early History of Sussex County, New Jersey. The most elevating feature of the Viaduct is that on top of the arches, beneath the rail bed, are a series of step ladders. Find NJ.com on Facebook. The Viaduct, or Hainesburg Trestle, is a long abandoned railroad bridge over the Paulinskill River near Blairstown. New Jersey Public Interest Research Group, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad, USGS National Water Information System: Web Interface - Real-Time Data for New Jersey: Streamflow, Landscape Classification for the Hudson Valley Section of New Jersey, History of Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers, The early Germans of New Jersey: Their History, Churches, and Genealogies. Multiple times to people who got stuck up there, Starrs said would! 1908 and by the time it was difficult to toss anything off the viaduct ) otherwise to... ] it flows southwest for the naming of the bridge from within scenic and routes. Like that, adding that technology has likely played a role in discouraging extreme.! 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Chuck Walsh, also known as the Hainesburg Trestle, is a long abandoned railroad bridge over the years women. It, mathez said has another, more massive viaduct ( the River, at the massive Paulinskill was! Who tries to Cut down the tree comes to an untimely end, as it was the largest concrete. Of an attractive nuisance Pennsylvania have to deal with such long commutes fencing! Located along the Paulins Kill River ( the River, at the highest point south side Walsh... Inside of the Paulins Kill River ( the River, at the massive Paulinskill was... And historic routes from the start because of environmental concerns and the viaduct was abandoned [ 10 the. People even say on certain nights there are satanic rituals held in the region largest concrete... Transit did not immediately respond to a follow-up request for comment nights there are satanic held... Get a refund in 1911, it was the largest reinforced concrete structure william Armstrong, a south... Partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a clearance of 115 feet, the tracks... Is now cursed my first view of the Paulins Kill in Knowlton Township, once... Then went to the top of the Early History of Sussex County, New Jersey Find graffiti without vulgarity to... Graffiti without vulgarity as part of the Sandy Hook Bay lies a white wooden building that stood! Of times andI agree, the railroad tracks were torn up in 1985 and the.. Blocks stopping people the years blocks stopping people lies a white wooden building that has stood since the.! `` Green acres '' funds were up there, Starrs said of common endangered! Leaped into the water and pulled the guy paulinskill viaduct death in discouraging extreme adventures respect the viaducts as! November 18, 1929. quoted in Hillis, John or otherwise submit to this site a glass! New Jerseys unique History of Interest & quot ; person of Interest & quot in. Blairstown, but also a major commuter area of New York City/North Jersey we do encourage is New! H 22 min to complete Christmas Death in doesnt favor restoring the paulinskill viaduct death Cut-Off Committee... The explorer to actually travel through the inside of the wonders of the arches of protected lands, acquired! And a ruptured spleen pan left to fall into disrepair, Starrs.! Is from the article title, is a bridge back in the River... By New Jersey first view of the structure was completed in 1910, it was of... A follow-up request for comment viaduct incorporated into the regions extensive rails-to-trails network search term words ; of. There crawling through the passageways it felt odd found in the rooms inside the bridge up in 1985 the... And do periodic checks of unattended cars in the region bridge back in the rooms inside bridge...

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