
I removed the blog post out of respect for the victimbecause apparently, he was being harassed YET AGAIN. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. A former president who provoked a violent attack on this Capitol, in an effort to steal the election, has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him. They justify the wicked and take away the righteousness. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. I can no longer sit back and wait for volunteers while I see in some of our corridors the issues were having, Bethel said. 1. In 8th grade, I called a girl a b*tch at recess, and she told on me. In order to keep my parents from finding out from the school that I got in These misguided people place their own faults on anyone who disagrees with them, never stopping to realize that it is THEY who are the fascists, racists, misandrists, misogynists, and radical extremists in our country. Philadelphia police are searching for a 29-year-old man who they say fatally shot a 13-year-old boy just blocks away from his school earlier this month, officials said Wednesday. Here is what we know from Sheriffs Office: The victim was held down against his will. 2021 Copyright Faith & Four Letter Words Website Built with by. We had previously noted the shooting death of 13-year-old Marcus Stokes, who was sitting in a parked, and possibly disabled, Chrysler PT Cruiser, with five other people, including other students assigned to E W Rhodes School, just after 9:00 AM on Friday, October 8, 2021, at the intersection of North Judson and West Clearfield Streets in North Philadelphia. Sure, latter was a mere philosophical essay, but then, courtesy of some leaders on both sides of the Atlantic, in very recent years it has become the norm. Its not his death that will get private arms confiscated but the manner of his death. The repetition effect couldnt mask the truth. We cannot both embrace the big lie and the Constitution.". Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington Quotes, I do believe that those who knowingly post false or misleading information should be held accountable, regardless of how much money they have or what political party the belong to. And there is this guy. This is not about partisanship. Just remember that a minority can eventually become the majority. Quote of the Day Cosplay of the Day You may also like. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Consensus is the business of politics and is anathema to science. But a reliable effect in the lab isn't necessarily an important effect on people's real-world beliefs. Just keep repeating over and over what people want to hear, even if the truth has to take a back seat. And this is the source of the Big Lie. The preamble to their full statement reads, "When in our democratic republic, forces of conspiracy, division, and despotism arise, it is the patriotic duty of citizens to act collectively in defense of liberty and justice.". Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Seewe told you everything is PERMANENT on social mediaeven on SnapChat. We live in sensory and information overload. If you want to be offended by every little thing, then by all means, be offended, run to your safe space, and cry until your little heart is content. It's sad, because it's essentially a good quote -- question what the majority is doing, but I can see it being used a pretext for these evil preachings. The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those The mind will never discover who you are because the The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is It isn't necessary for the mind to be quiet. I also knew that if I did something wrong, I would be punished. I knew someone was gonna take this quote as an excuse to deny scientific consensus the moment I read it. Hes working on Consequently, via the sheer force of repetition, an unprincipled What is even more ridiculous is the fact that many people are simple-minded and cowardly enough to go along with the idiocy coming from this small group of people. Once we know about the effect we can guard against it. Truth becomes relative, which degrades its authority, and removes its validity. The Black Sheep Is Sometimes The Only One Telling The Truth, It Might Take You 30 Days To Create A Habit. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Your email address will not be published. Preachers, teach your people about Satan! Discussing the prospects for the Eagles or 76ers? Authorities say Shafeeq Lewis, of North Philadelphia, fired a dozen shots into a car that was parked on the 3100 block of North Judson Street about 9 a.m. on Oct. 8. Handsy sex? NewDYRTO, Weekend News and Opinions links - The DaleyGator, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. Skip to content. Please dont share the graphic details of the case. Dont believe everything you hear. Hebrews 13:8 tells us Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." You can find me writing mostly about self-development. Lewis remains at large, and investigators have not determined a motive. If this isnt #grooming, then what is it? Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~ Philippians 4:8. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Here is a quote from the book The Crown of Life written in 1869: If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it. Honestly, I've never seen the quote attributed to Lenin until I googled it now. This is why scholars are so mad about providing references - so we can track the origin on any claim, rather than having to take it on faith. Click here to learn more. Evil doesnt become good, but our good good Father, as He pursues us, can pull us out of the evil that tries to consume us. The general public is gullible. Spineless people and money-grubbing organizations and companies in our country are now bending over backwards to ensure that these warped people are not offended, as if not being offended is a God-given human right. Read about our approach to external linking. We live in a world where the facts matter, and should matter. I placed the mugshot of Shafeeq Lewis in the body of the Miss Orsos article, but that picture was not on the Inquirers website. One of the organizers is Miles Taylor. It is settled forever in heaven! Booker T. Washington I find it both frightening and sad, that many folks secretly believe that those who have power also automatically have right on their side. Harry and Meghan's 'truth' doesn't always match everyone else's but this forensic analysis of the inaccuracies in the prince's book shows that this time he's surpassed himself Thats not just a lie, but it is a deliberate lie. A lie doesnt become the truth, wrong doesnt become right, and evil doesnt become good, just because its accepted by a majority. Just because its accepted by the majority. We are aware OF them. None of the stories in the Philadelphia media have told us that, nor have the police released any suspected motive for the shooting, nor does anyone know if Mr Stokes, individually, was the (alleged) gunmans target. The fact that you called the tail a leg did not make it a leg. After a break of minutes or even weeks the participants do the procedure again, but this time some of the items they rate are new, and some they saw before in the first phase. Over two-thirds of Republicans say they believe Trump won the election in 2020. For statements that were actually fact or fiction, known or unknown, repetition made them all seem more believable. Based on a Chicago program, Philadelphias plan will start at four high schools: Lincoln, Motivation, Sayre and Roxborough, and expand to others. Why do sport teams watch tape of their opponents? Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner, Privacy Policy Disclaimer for www.rishikajain.com. No, I dont think that is the answer. Click on the links below for other related posts: If Something is Reality, It Cannot be Conspiracy. Deputy Police Commissioner Ben Naish said investigators believe Lewis was the man fleeing, and they obtained an arrest warrant on murder charges last week. Millions of Americans have been misled by the former president. Or you can wake up and look behind the lies that make up the simulated village. I'm sure it's music to the ears of our enemies when Mr. Trump predicts a "raging civil war" within the GOP. Theres a whole lotta lying going on in this world. As Ive written, we have choices, but we must be on solid ground. Many self-seeking people will say anything and everything is justifiable - even cheating and lying - if in the end it helps you achieve the desired result. Hence, they use phony claims of evidence where none exists to prove their truth, an exercise in tautology.. Posting that blog was like throwing a match on gasoline. Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. They are trying to reclassify human biology, rewrite history, and demand that you accept their lies as truth. If you liked this story,sign up for the weekly bbc.com features newsletter, called If You Only Read 6 Things This Week. The victim was not allowed to get up and the victim. The alleged incident was captured on SnapChat and shared with authorities. View more from: Funny Sign. Some join ideological tribes that falsely promise to stabilize reality with their truths. But some, like political parties and their spinmeisters, see it as an opportunity to exploit for personal gain. Booker T. Washington once said, A lie doesnt become truth, wrong doesnt become right, and evil doesnt become good, just because its accepted by a majority. This statement clearly implies that what is truth should relate to a universal principle and not to individual whims even if most people hold those matters as truth. January 25, 2022 A lie doesnt become the truth, wrong doesnt become right, and evil doesnt become good, just because its accepted by the majority. Thats not just a lie, but it is a deliberate lie. No, theyre not going after just your gas stove; the #ClimateChange activists want to get rid of all of your gas appliances. People have very short memories. What faith is that? Your email address will not be published. They have heard only his words and not the truth as he continues to undermine our democratic process, sowing seeds of doubt about whether democracy really works at all., Do you agree with Rep. Cheney that the lies of former President Trump are a current threat to the stability of our nation? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Repetition can even make known lies sound more believable (Credit: Alamy). Tom Staffords ebook on when and how rational argument can change minds is out now. The line was very clear to me. You can ride with the Empress and believe you see something real (believe the Big Lie.) After the vote, Rep. Cheney stood her ground and said, "We must go forward based on truth. Romans 1:2425 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God Instead, we live in a giant simulation that is so well evolved that we confuse it for whats real. This is what I know from confirmed sources: the case has been moved twice so far because of conflicts of interest. Repetition pushed the average item up the six-point scale, and increased the odds that a statement would be categorised as true. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and although I love the movie Dan in Real Life (like its one of my favorite movies EVER), I dont agree with this line of Maries Theres a certain rightness to our wrongness. Thats called compromise. Relying on how often you've heard something to judge how truthful something feels is just one strategy. Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Satan is the father of lies. When that starts to happen, when the public feels too secure, institutions of authority will reflexively find new ways to ensure they stay engulfed by fear and thus quiescent. Glenn Greenwald, The New Domestic War on Terror Has Already Begun Even Without the New Laws Biden Wants. Not just Congress but the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Pentagon, the Generals, literally everyone in You can never repeat a lie so often that the Almighty will eventually be persuaded to accept it as truth. He has won 10 national awards for his writing and his contributions to the martial arts. It has been the subject ofmemesand ironic usage. Does your church teach salvation is earned by works? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ask questions. How liars create the illusion of truth. (Image credit: Getty Images) By Tom Stafford 26th October 2016. Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for propaganda, says psychologist Tom Stafford. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth, God in His Sovereignty is the Ultimate Authority. Get Inspired ~ There is absolutely no systemic racism in America! Our feeble attempts to control COCID amount to nothing more than guess work. Philly schools will pay community members to keep kids safe on their way to and from school amid gun violence crisis. Woke ( / wok /) as a political term of African-American origin refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice. Dont beat yourself up when you believe a lie; it happens. With time, it magically The body of Christ must submit to the LORD, resist the devil, put on the whole armor of God and be steadfast in the faith. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for propaganda, says psychologist Tom Stafford. A life of significance is deeply rooted in truth. Unfortunately, this big lie has been welcomed and embraced by the majority of white evangelicals within the Republican Party. Booker T. Washington - A Lie Doesn't Become Truth, Wrong Doesn't Become Right and Evil Doesn't Become Good, Just Because It's Accepted by A Majority - 2.5 x 3.5 Magnet Brand: Square Deal Recordings & Supplies $699 Get I was sent a copy of an email that the Principal/Athletic Director/Superintendent of the school district sent out to teachers to read to their students. So, in the place of real objective evidence, those who try to defend the Big Lie are using each others claims of fraud as evidence. Science depends on a majority-acceptance system, and I must say, that's what's been preventing many deaths, be it in a COVID context or not. But like a Jorge Luis Borges[1] story, the map is so seamless, complete, and perfect that it has replaced reality, and what was real is now a desert. Its like evolution. "A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority." I think it was the Nazi minister of propaganda who said - repeat a lie enough times, and people will believe it. Recently, a team led by Lisa Fazio of Vanderbilt University set out to test how the illusion of truth effect interacts with our prior knowledge. But you have to work on not offending them despite them getting what seems like a pass for all of their own problems too. This is about our duty as Americans. This is especially true when its believed by a minority. The victim has suffered enough. Available for all T-Shirt, Sweatshirt, Hoodie, Mug and other kind of product. Thus the juxtaposition of coming out of that darkness and into the light. Order "The Spiritual Awakening of America". Have you noticed that every time Mr. Trump has a public platform, he repeats, the election was stolen?. Also contrary to the way of the world, two wrongs dont make a right, and one wrong is enough to start the descent down the slippery slope of sin, a path that will never lead to rightness or righteousness. Is that the kind of truth you want to believe? from party leadership because she refused to parrot the lie that the election was rigged. That's interesting. Some news outlets are posting the graphic nature of what happenedbut I will not. The Bible is chock-full of heroes of the faith who went against the grain of the group think brain. Fear is crucial for state authority. Think critically and logically. A lie doesnt become truth, A lie doesnt become truth, wrong doesnt become right,and evil doesnt become good, just because its accepted by a majority. Authorities say Shafeeq Lewis, of North Philadelphia, fired a dozen shots into a car that was parked on the 3100 block of North Judson Street about 9 a.m. on Oct. 8. [1] Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo was an Argentine short-story writer, essayist, poet and translator, and a key figure in Spanish-language and international literature. We need to make sure they are kept safe. Those who did NOTHING. In Baudrillards words, the desert of the real.. But God shall destroy those who tell lies; the LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man (Psalm 5:6). If this isnt #grooming, then what is it? Evil is borne of darkness, and good of light. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Now, because of the voting majority, the stacked Supreme Court is poised to reverse those Civil rights. Details on what the groups will be paid and how they can apply will be shared soon, he said. This wisdom does not descend from above, but it is or.. T-Shirt, Sweatshirt, Hoodie, Mug and other kind of product of conflicts of interest and investigators not... 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